Crossword Puzzles

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Showing 2773-2793 of 3295 records

Math Numbers Review Word Scramble Puzzle

Math Numbers Review


even : what kind of number is this - 22, hundreds : place value of 6 in 3657, biggest : 432,342,243 - this set of numbers is from _____ to smallest, less : 3000 …

Squares and Cubes Word Scramble Puzzle

Squares and Cubes


perfect cube: a number made by cubing a whole number, square root: a value that when multiplied by itself gives the number, perfect square: when you multiply a …

Learning Aim C Word Scramble Puzzle

Learning Aim C


compliance : abiding with accounting law, capital : what an owner might put into the business, mortgage : a building loan, intangible : you might buy this with …

Fraction Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

Fraction Vocabulary


compare : to determine what's the same and what's different between 2 or more objects or numbers, denominator : the bottom number of a fraction that represents …

Language Methods Word Scramble Puzzle

Language Methods


personification: giving human characteristics or attributes to something non-human, noun: a word used to classify a person, place or thing, simile: a figure of …

High School and Career Planning Skills Word Scramble Puzzle

High School and Career Planning Skills


competition : when two or more companies rival for consumer dollars, tuition : the fee that colleges charge to take their classes, stock : a share of the …

Probability Revision Word Scramble Puzzle

Probability Revision


trial: performing an experiment., event: a collection of favorable outcomes, probability: ______ scale is the range of values from 0 to 1, independent: events …

Earth Rotation, Sunset and Sunrise Word Scramble Puzzle

Earth Rotation, Sunset and Sunrise


globe : a model of earth is called a _______________ ., axis : the earth spins on it's _______. , tilted : not straight up and down., spinning : the earth is …

Geometry and Shapes Word Scramble Puzzle

Geometry and Shapes


geometry : a branch of mathematics, sphere : a geometric solid shape, cylinder : the shape of a bucket, cone : the shape of a birthday hat, trapezoid: what …

Practice Using Math Language Word Scramble Puzzle

Practice Using Math Language


factor pair : 2 numbers that are multiplied together to give a product, equation : a statement that uses an equal sign to show that two expressions have the …

Geology Word Scramble Puzzle



sediment : loose fragments of rocks, minerals, crystals, or shells. , weathering : physical or chemical breakdown of pre existing rock, jointing : formation of …

Parts of an Experiment Word Scramble Puzzle

Parts of an Experiment


hypothesis: an educated guess, aim: what you are wanting to achieve , method: the step by step process of the experiment, conclusion: a summary of the …

Systems of Equations Word Scramble Puzzle

Systems of Equations


graphing: when both equations already have fractions in them, or are written in standard form you should consider..., independent: a system of equations with a …

Arithmetic Sequences Word Scramble Puzzle

Arithmetic Sequences


relation : a set of ordered pairs, input : a value substituted for an x-value in a function, range : the set of second numbers (y-values) of the ordered pairs …

Data Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

Data Vocabulary


mode : the number that occurs the most, range : the difference between the biggest and smallest number, mean : the sum of the numbers divided by the number of …

Periodic Table Elements Word Scramble Puzzle

Periodic Table Elements


uranium: element is extracted from ore pitchblende, holmium: symbol for this element is 'ho', germanium: element name with atomic number 32, boron: element with …

Different Types Of Angles Word Scramble Puzzle

Different Types Of Angles


corresponding : angles have same position relative to the transversal, transversal : line, ray, or segment that intersect two or more co-planar lines, rays, or …

Mechanical Systems & Control Word Scramble Puzzle

Mechanical Systems & Control


three : amount of components that brake systems consist of, spur gears : circular discs with teeth machined into them, cables : used to transmit the braking …

Australias Native Animals Word Scramble Puzzle

Australia's Native Animals


echidna: an animals with spikes, wombat: a short chubby animal, emu: a tall ostrich like bird, spider: an insect with lots of legs, dingo: an australian dog …

Shapes Word Scramble Puzzle



circle : a round and continuous shape., square : a shape with four equal sides and angles., triangle : a shape with three sides and three angles., heart : a …

Basic Physics Word Scramble Puzzle

Basic Physics


first: newtons ____ law of motion about stationary objects that tend to stay at rest, density: mass divided by its volume, liquid: one of the three states of …