Health and Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Digestive System
small: intestine that breaks down food into tiny food molecules and absorb them into the blood, large : intestine that absorbs the water and moisture left in …
Illness Anxiety Disorder
hypochondriasis: another word for illness anxiety disorder, abdomen: complaints of pain mostly related to neck, head and?, six: preoccupation for at least ___ …
Energy, Diet, Nutrition & Hydration
macronutrients : foods required in large amounts in our diet , carbohydrates : responsible for energy at high intensity activities , fats : found in butter, …
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
vitamin d : the "sunshine vitamin", beta carotene : substance your body converts to vitamin a (hint: carrots), vitamin k : vitamin essential for blood …
How to Cope with Stress
journal: writing down and making notes on how you are feeling, sleep: making sure you are well rested , exercise: being physically active, list: identifying and …
Essential Nutrients
antioxidant : vitamin e is a powerful _________________ ., water : you need 8 glasses a day of this nutrient., soluble : vitamins b and c are water …
Physical Activity
frequency: how often you train, intensity: how hard you train, aerobic: body uses oxygen to work the muscles, time: how long you train , anaerobic: body does …
Mental Health
trigger : a person, place, event or situation that causes unwanted emotional or behavioral response., self care : things you do regularly to maintain your …
Circulatory System
artery: large, thick-walled muscular vessel that carries blood away from the heart., vein: large blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart. , capillary: …
First Aid & CPR
bandage : what do you use to stop bleeding?, hand washing : what is the first step to prevent illness?, heat cramps : what is your bodies first response, when …
Self Care with Mindful Meditation
mindfulness: a way to be in the present, help: it is okay to ask for________, control: focus on what you can____________, music: listening to this can promote …
Health Risks of Tobacco Use
copd: a condition in which passages in the lungs become swollen and irritated, eventually losing their elasticity., digestive: __________ system - smoking can …
goals: the object of a person's ambition or effort, an aim out desired result, medicine: a substance used for medical treatment?, behavior: the major of …
Nervous System
effector: _______ sites are part of the body, such as a muscle or organ, that receives a signal from a neuron to produce a physiological response., efferent: a …
Working with the Mind
antidepressant: a type of mediation that helps deal with depression, depression: one of the most common mental illnesses/disorders, exercise: an effective …
Body Systems
respiratory: the body system responsible for breathing., esophagus: the tube that travels from your mouth to your stomach., marrow: the inner-most part of the …
Outdoor Activities
surfing: you do this in the sea, but without a boat or sail. if it's cold, you wear a wetsuit. you have to wait for waves., windsurfing: instead of a boat you …
accuracy: setting high standards, persisting: what habits of mind include persevering in tasks?, metacognition: knowing and being aware of your own thoughts, …
Work Health & Safety
report: one of the steps to manage work health and safety risks is to _____ hazards., employee: one of the responsibilities of an _____ is to protect their own …
Healthy Sleep Patterns
schedule : create a sleep ___________ to train your body when it is time to go to sleep, phone : don't play games on your _______ less than two hours before …
eight: you need at least ________ hours of sleep, bed: what you sleep on, six: people spend at least _____ years of their lives dreaming., phone: don't play …