Food and Drinks Crossword Puzzles
flour: basic item used in most recipes, looks like a powder, begins with f, garnish: to add another colorful food on a meal for eye appeal. begins with g , …
Meal Planning, Preparation & Dining
entree: main course of a meal, course: a set of dishes served together, accompaniment: a food item that complements another item, supper: an evening meal, meal: …
mushroom: the fruiting body of fungus, orange: color of chicken of the woods, mycelium: underground organism that produces mushrooms, bioremediation: process of …
popcorn: a tasty snack made from corn, butter: a common popcorn topping, caramel: a popular sweet version of popcorn, movie: a good companion for popcorn, …
Pancake Day
shrove : ________ tuesday is the proper name for pancake day, chocolate : this can be spread on pancakes, toss : some people do this to turn over a pancake in …
Pastry Making
aerate: my process is important because i incorporate air into the dough by sifting and mixing., pastry: i am a dough that is made from flour, fat and water., …
paring : a small knife used to peel and make small cuts, whisk : use this tool to whip something , tongs : a tool used to pick things up and turn products, …
milkshake: a drink made of milk,syrup, and often ice cream, sugar: a sweet substance that is usually white, sweets: candies with a high sugar content, popsicle: …
Food and Cooking
knife: sharp for cutting , recipe: directions to follow , saucepan: it has a handle, refrigerator: it keeps food cool, bread: it has crust, mango: a yellow …
Heart Healthy Diet
chicken: a skinless lean source of protein., bell pepper: a flavorful vegetable high in vitamin c, b6, and potassium. hint: often found in a variety of colors …
marshmallows : found in rocky road, some hot cocoa and s'mores, chocolate : _mousse, _syrup, _chips, hot_, popsicle : frozen juice on a stick, chocolate chip : …
york: peppermint patty, creme: cookies and _______, kitkat: break me off a piece of that ________ bar, cadbury: this company makes a chocolate egg filled with …
Food Vocabulary
apple : it is a red round fruit, square : is the shape of a pizza box, triangle : is the shape of the slice of pizza, blueberry : is a tiny blue fruit, peas : …
Cooking Terms
dice: to cut into very small cubes , broil: to cook over, under, or in front of hot coals or a gas or electric burner, or other form of direct heat. , fold in: …
Milk and Milk Products
plant stanols : a substance in yoghurt that lowers cholesterol, soya : a type of milk suitable for a vegan, calcium : the main mineral in milk, culture : what …
Spanish Food Terms
Crossword about popular and famous Spanish food items and their Spanish names.
Guess the Fruit
apple: teachers love this fruit., orange: i have the same name as my color!, watermelon: i am green on the outside, red on the inside, and full of seeds., …
Food Preparation Methods
shallow fry : cooking in a little oil, grill: to cook with top heat only, freeze: taking food to a very low temperature, toast: great for dippy eggs, barbecue: …
watermelon: this fruit is mostly eaten in summer., mango: this fruit is called the king of fruits., pear: allergies to this fruit are really rare., strawberry: …
Coffee Morning
biscuit : an assorted variety of crumbly baked goods in a tin, tea : a hot drink you can dunk your biscuits into, coffee : a caffeinated drink to wake you up in …
Easy Ways to Flavor Food Without Salt (adult)
peppers : examples include jalapeños, dried chillies, and poblanos which add flavor and spice, cinnamon : a spice obtained from the inner bark of trees and can …