Safety & Prevention Crossword Puzzles
Fall Prevention
bathroom : where patients fall the most., incident report : complete an _____________ ___________ if a fall occurs., two : if your patient is on level _____ …
Food Safety
pets : never allow ________ to jump on countertops, sanitation : maintain cleanliness, danger zone : temperature range in which bacteria grow the fastest., …
Forklift Safety
pre inspection: a ___ __________ must be done before operating any equipment., four: safe distance from a forklift is ____ feet., seatbelt: forklifts equipped …
Kitchen Safety & Knife Skills
bacteria : sometimes called germs, time : a factor bacteria need to help them grow, personal : hygiene related to the cook, apron : used to protect the food …
Zero Harm Safety
stairs : never use for egress during an earthquake or fire, incident: form to fill out if you are injured in anyway is an _____ form., ppe : safety glasses, …
Lab Safety, Equipment and Tools
microscopes: _______________________ magnify very small objects., long: roll up ______________ sleeves prior to doing labs., never : ____________________ eat or …
Slips & Falls
walk : at a brisk pace, don't run, three : how many points of contact, walkpaths : take designated __________, handrail : grasp this when entering/exiting …
World Food Safety Day
temperature : food should be cooked to the right _________________ to prevent food poisoning., bottom : meat should be stored in the __________ of the …
Safe Work Month
noticeboard : where you can find safety information on site, responsibility : what is the first safety commitment on the poster, training : what do you …
Falls Awareness Week
fallschampions : the group of staff who are the link on each ward when you have a falls related query, polypharmacy : the term used to describe when someone is …
Safety Review
unconscious : no response when asked "are you okay?", check the scene : the first step you take in an emergency, pulse : an indicator of heart …
Safety and Sanitation Review
bacteria : a single-celled organism that can live in food or water and also on our skin or clothing; some are a potential biological hazard, capable of …
respirator : a device that allows the wearer to breathe clean air, mitigation : the act of lowering or reducing the level of a hazard, entry : the action of …
Operating Room Fire Safety
red : code color announced overhead , pull : p in p.a.s.s, rescue : r in r.a.c.e , ignition : lasers and electro surgical units are major ______ sources in or , …
Fire Safety
hose: a firefighter uses a fire ____ to put out a fire, escape: it is important to have a fire ______ plan, emergency: call 911 if it is an _________, spot: …
Kitchen Safety & Hygiene
bacteria : sometimes called germs, time : a factor bacteria need to help them grow, personal : hygiene related to the cook, apron : used to protect the food …
Workplace Health & Safety
report: one of the steps to manage work health and safety risks is to _____ hazards., employee: one of the responsibilities of an _____ is to protect their own …
Health and Safety in Construction
five : how many types of fire extinguishers are there, skylight : what is classified as a fragile surface when working at height?, ppe : what is the …
Patient Safety
time out: necessary prior to a procedure., medications: all patients should be asked for their list of current __________., hourly: what type of rounding can …
Patient Safety Awareness
medications: all patients should be asked for their list of current __________., hand hygiene: the simplest way to prevent the spread of infection., …
Lift Truck and Pedestrian Safety
lift trucks: pedestrians must watch for, preinspect: a lift truck driver should always _____ before operating, red: some forklifts have ______ warning lights, …