Educational Crossword Puzzles
Language and Cognitive Development
babbling : the second stage of language development, autism : a neurological disorder which affects one's social abilities, cooing : the first stage of language …
charity : the kind of companies that do not aim for profit., consumer : someone who buys and uses products and services. , opportunity : ... cost is the cost of …
Types of Engineers
mechanical: designs power producing machines, biomedical: creates artificial technology for medical uses , petroleum: helps find oil for cars and the country's …
right triangle: a triangle in which one of the angles must be complementary, line: straight path connecting two points, vertical: angles of equal measure that …
Fundamentals of Algebra
variable: used in equations in place of numbers allows the statement of relationships among numbers that are unknown or unspecified, simplifying: the order of …
Fraction Vocabulary
compare : to determine what's the same and what's different between 2 or more objects or numbers, denominator : the bottom number of a fraction that represents …
At School
compass : an instrument used for drawing circles, blackboard : it's on the wall and you can write on it. it can also be white., locker : a storage (rengement) …
Parts of a Circle
radius:the distance from the center to the circumference, tangent:a line that touches the circumference at one point, segment:the area enclosed by a chord and …
Circle Vocabulary
circle: the set of all points equidistant from a given point, inscribed angle: an angle whose vertex is on the circle, arc: part of a circle, tangent: a line …
cultural capital: the skills and values passed on to their children by middle-class parents, e.g. language skills and the motivation and support required to …
axis: a reference line drawn on a graph, has a x and y axis usually., horizontal: going side-to-side, like the horizon., vertical: going in an up-down …
tassel: when you receive your diploma you move your ______________ from right to left., parents: don't forget to thank them for getting you this far., family: …
conductor: metals, circuit: a path for electrons, proton: attracts to electrons, repel: a proton and a proton _________, battery: contains …
Synonyms and Antonyms
cowardly : antonym for brave, smooth : antonym for rough, depart: synonym for leave, error : synonym for mistake, elderly : synonym for old, lies : antonym for …
out: i threw _____ the trash., into: i climbed ______ bed before 10:00pm., upon: the story began once _____ a time., from: i ran ______ the playground to get to …
Civil Engineering
cad: the software used in creating a computer generated model., brick: a type of construction material that is made from heated clay., concrete: road …
Math Vocabulary
Crossword puzzles based on the terms used in mathematics and solving equations.
6th Grade Science
topography: the shape of the land, elevation: the height above sea level, on the earth’s surface, relief: the difference in elevation between the highest and …
After-School Clubs
drama: students can practice acting and perform in plays. it's a useful club for those who want to be actors or want to gain more confidence., chess: students …
9th Grade Vocab
absolve: verb. to set or declare someone free from blame, guilt, or responsibility , dilemma: noun. a difficult situation or problem, perception: noun. a way of …
prescription: a script written from a doctor for a patient. , pathopharmacology: the study of disease and drugs., toxicology: the study of chemicals and …