Religion & Belief Crossword Puzzles
Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand
sit : what did jesus tell the crowd to do? , large : how big was the crowd?, crowd : what had gathered around jesus?, food : what had the people forgotten to …
Famous Women in the Bible
rachel: the younger daughter of laban, jacob’s favorite wife, and the mother of joseph and benjamin., ruth: the moabite widow who followed her mother-in-law, …
The Trial of Jesus
chiefpriests: delivered jesus to pilate (2 words), pilate: tried multiple times to let jesus go., jews: said it wasn't lawful for them to put anyone to death., …
The Resurrection of Lazarus
four: how many days was lazarus dead?, jesus: started teaching when he was 30., lazarus: was resurrected from the dead., mary: sister of lazarus., martha: …
The Seven Sacraments
confirmation: strengthening by the holy spirit , anointing of the sick: healing and strengthening , holy orders: ordained ministry for god's people, matrimony: …
Apostles Creed
heaven: creator of ______________ and earth, god: i believe in _________, father: the ____________ almighty, seated: he ascended into heaven and is …
John the Baptist Prepares the Way
john: baptized jesus...1, isaiah: the voice of one crying in the wilderness...3, lord: prepare the way of the _______...3, sins: what did those who came to john …
Old Testament Book: Jonah
asleep : when the big storm began jonah was, tarshish : city jonah was fleeing to, nineveh : jonah called to preach in this city, fainted : when god withered …
Genesis 18-23
barren: sarah was ________; she had no child. genesis 11;30, ishmael: abraham son with sarah's maid. genesis 16;16, sarah: who is the mother of nations? genesis …
Acts of the Apostles
jerusalem : where did god tell paul not to go in a dream, but he went and got arrested?, sin : what problem is god trying to solve?, antioch : name the town …
Prophets of the Bible
nehemiah: cup bearer for king artaxerxes, moses: led israel for forty years, man of god: listened to the old prophets lies, malachi: wrote the last book of the …
Heroes of the Faith - Hebrews 11
sarah : had a baby when she was past the age, moses : was hidden for three months, abraham : obey when he was called to a place that would be his inheritance, …
Greek Mythology
artemis : huntress, goddess of the moon and a twin, hera : queen of the gods and of marriage and women, zeus : king of the gods, ares : war god, athena : …
Jesus' Disciples
philip: told bartholomew about jesus, thomas: known for questioning jesus' resurrection, peter: andrew's brother, john: a son of zebedee, andrew: was a disciple …
lamb: "behold, the ______ of god, who takes away the sins of the world!", word: "in the beginning was the ______, and the ______ was with god, …
The Seven Churches of Revelation
israel:thy people, turkey:modern day country of the seven churches, antichrist:the prince that shall come, first:the kind of love ephesus lost, polycarp:a …
Biblical Truths Volume 1
old: 39 books, new: 27 books, canon: measuring stick, also list of all books in the bible, bible: this book tells us what is true about god's nature, worldview: …
Christian Practices - Worship
non liturgical : this worship has no set form., quakers : this denomination sits quietly and any who feels led by the spirit can speak., crucifix : this object …
Birth of Jesus
joseph: the name of jesus's father?, bethlehem: what city was jesus born in?, virgin: what was special about jesus's mother?, dream: how were the family warned …
Paul's Missionary Journeys
dying : what does perishing mean?, walk : how did paul travel on land?, foolishness : means "nonsense" in i cor. 1, silas : who went with paul on his …
india: the country with the largest hindu population, nepal: the country with the highest percentage hindu population, vedas: the religion's holy books, …