Religion & Belief Crossword Puzzles
Apostles Creed
heaven: creator of ______________ and earth, god: i believe in _________, father: the ____________ almighty, seated: he ascended into heaven and is …
God Promises Blessings for Obedience
commandments: keep all the _________which i give you (v.8), possess: be strong and go in to _________ the land (v.8), milk: a land that flows with ______ and …
The Sacraments
holy spirit: received at confirmation , the last supper: final mean that jesus had with his friends. , vows: promises made at marriage, mass: catholics receive …
Norse Mythology
ymir : the sons of bor used every part of this to make many worlds., greedy : used to describe thor., bifrost : flaming rainbow bridge spanned the distance from …
Greek Gods & Goddesses
eris : goddess of discord, the sister of the god of war, zeus : the rain-god and the cloud-gatherer, who wielded the awful thunderbolt, hephaestus : the god of …
The Seven Sacraments
confirmation: strengthening by the holy spirit , anointing of the sick: healing and strengthening , holy orders: ordained ministry for god's people, matrimony: …
donkey : how mary traveled with joseph (their transport) , fish : this was commonly eaten in the bible and can be found in water , sabbath : the seventh day , …
Jesus Calls Levi
levi: a tax collector jesus called to be a disciple, tax: money paid to the government, righteous: jesus did not come to call the ________________, follow: to …
Jesus in the Temple
simeon : the name of the man that jesus met when he first went to the temple, nazareth: the place where jesus returned to after visiting the temple, temple: …
lamb: "behold, the ______ of god, who takes away the sins of the world!", word: "in the beginning was the ______, and the ______ was with god, …
Greek Mythology
artemis : huntress, goddess of the moon and a twin, hera : queen of the gods and of marriage and women, zeus : king of the gods, ares : war god, athena : …
Christian Saints
augustine: was a manichean and neoplatonist before converting to catholicism, brigid: shares her name with an irish goddess, tertullian: argued that enoch and …
twice : how many times did an angel appear to hagar?, potiphar : what egyptian captain is joseph sold to?, fourteen : how many years in total does jacob work …
Genealogy of Jesus
adam: brought sin into the world (gen 3:6-8), lamech: killed a man for wounding him (gen 4:23), noah: obedient to god (gen 6:22), enoch: pleased god, didn't die …
John the Baptist
children : the holy spirit’s baptism identities us as god’s ___, jesus : he was baptized by john, water : john baptized with this., messiah : jesus was the …
John the Baptist Prepares the Way
john: baptized jesus...1, isaiah: the voice of one crying in the wilderness...3, lord: prepare the way of the _______...3, sins: what did those who came to john …
river jordan : what river was jesus baptised in?, john : who baptised jesus?, church : where do people get baptised?, priest : who baptises people?, family : …
Jesus Crucified
golgotha: it means "place of a skull", thieves: these guys were crucified on each side of jesus, veil: this part of the temple was torn in two from …
Wise Men visit Jesus
star : what did god put in sky for the wise men to know jesus was born?, gold : what was one of the gifts the wise men gave jesus? (matt. 2:11), frankincense : …
Noah's Ark
animals : noah put these in the ark by 2's, ararat : ark rested on this mountain, ark : noah put animals in this, door : how animals and people entered the ark, …
Christian Practices - Worship
non liturgical : this worship has no set form., quakers : this denomination sits quietly and any who feels led by the spirit can speak., crucifix : this object …