Religion & Belief Crossword Puzzles

A collection of religion belief crossword puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made puzzles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 1-21 of 120 records

Christian Practices - Worship Word Scramble Puzzle

Christian Practices - Worship

Religion & Belief

non liturgical : this worship has no set form., quakers : this denomination sits quietly and any who feels led by the spirit can speak., crucifix : this object …

Jesus Crucified Word Scramble Puzzle

Jesus Crucified

Religion & Belief

golgotha: it means "place of a skull", thieves: these guys were crucified on each side of jesus, veil: this part of the temple was torn in two from …

The Sacraments Word Scramble Puzzle

The Sacraments

Religion & Belief

holy spirit: received at confirmation , the last supper: final mean that jesus had with his friends. , vows: promises made at marriage, mass: catholics receive …

Greek Mythology Word Scramble Puzzle

Greek Mythology

Religion & Belief

artemis : huntress, goddess of the moon and a twin, hera : queen of the gods and of marriage and women, zeus : king of the gods, ares : war god, athena : …

The Trial of Jesus Word Scramble Puzzle

The Trial of Jesus

Religion & Belief

chiefpriests: delivered jesus to pilate (2 words), pilate: tried multiple times to let jesus go., jews: said it wasn't lawful for them to put anyone to death., …

The Resurrection of Lazarus Word Scramble Puzzle

The Resurrection of Lazarus

Religion & Belief

four: how many days was lazarus dead?, jesus: started teaching when he was 30., lazarus: was resurrected from the dead., mary: sister of lazarus., martha: …

The Reformation Word Scramble Puzzle

The Reformation

Religion & Belief

indulgences : prayers and forgiveness of sins offered in return for money, heretic : anyone that went against the church, simony : sale of jobs in the church, …

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Word Scramble Puzzle

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Religion & Belief

amen : final word of the badarak, cross : what christ died on, marks : "for i bear on my body the _______ of jesus" (gal. 6:17), nineteen : number of …

The 12 Apostles Word Scramble Puzzle

The 12 Apostles

Religion & Belief

peter : he would speak without thinking, andrew : the brother of simon peter, a fisherman, james : son of zebedee, a fisherman, john : brother of james, a …

Peter Followed Jesus Word Scramble Puzzle

Peter Followed Jesus

Religion & Belief

holy: to be set apart by god, peter: who talked to jesus, galilee: the name of the sea the people were fishing in, sink: what the boat started doing when they …

Jesus in the Temple Word Scramble Puzzle

Jesus in the Temple

Religion & Belief

simeon : the name of the man that jesus met when he first went to the temple, nazareth: the place where jesus returned to after visiting the temple, temple: …

Jesus and Little Children Word Scramble Puzzle

Jesus and Little Children

Religion & Belief

children : the kingdom of god belongs to these, blessed: what jesus did when he laid his hands on children, jesus : who were people bringing their children to, …

Bible Word Scramble Puzzle


Religion & Belief

donkey : how mary traveled with joseph (their transport) , fish : this was commonly eaten in the bible and can be found in water , sabbath : the seventh day , …

Easter and Lenten Word Scramble Puzzle

Easter and Lenten

Religion & Belief

good friday : the day we remember jesus' death on the cross, forty : the number of days jesus roamed in the desert, bread : satan goaded jesus to turn stones …

Star Signs Word Scramble Puzzle

Star Signs

Religion & Belief

cancer : this star sign has a crab as the symbol, aphrodite : in pisces who is the mother of eros?, gold : in aries what colour is the rams fleece?, scorpio : …

The 7 Life Processes Word Scramble Puzzle

The 7 Life Processes

Religion & Belief

feeding : humans and animals eat plants to get energy., growing :seeds grow into plants., reproducing : all living things make offspring (babies or seeds)., …

The Seven Churches of Revelation Word Scramble Puzzle

The Seven Churches of Revelation

Religion & Belief

israel:thy people, turkey:modern day country of the seven churches, antichrist:the prince that shall come, first:the kind of love ephesus lost, polycarp:a …

Hinduism Word Scramble Puzzle


Religion & Belief

india: the country with the largest hindu population, nepal: the country with the highest percentage hindu population, vedas: the religion's holy books, …

Famous Women in the Bible Word Scramble Puzzle

Famous Women in the Bible

Religion & Belief

rachel: the younger daughter of laban, jacob’s favorite wife, and the mother of joseph and benjamin., ruth: the moabite widow who followed her mother-in-law, …

Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand Word Scramble Puzzle

Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand

Religion & Belief

sit : what did jesus tell the crowd to do? , large : how big was the crowd?, crowd : what had gathered around jesus?, food : what had the people forgotten to …

Old Testament Book: Jonah Word Scramble Puzzle

Old Testament Book: Jonah

Religion & Belief

asleep : when the big storm began jonah was, tarshish : city jonah was fleeing to, nineveh : jonah called to preach in this city, fainted : when god withered …