Animals Crossword Puzzles
What animal am I?
elephant: i have big grey ears, monkey: i climb trees and eat bananas, spider: i have eight eyes and eight legs, scorpion: i have a tail that is very dangerous, …
Feeding Birds!
seeds : what you might put in a bird feeder., birdbath : where a bird takes a bath., flock : a word meaning a large group of birds., bee hummingbird : this is …
Animal Digestion
poly gastric : are animals with a multi compartment stomach, mastication : is also known as chewing, ileum : absorbs bile salts and products not absorbed by the …
Australia's Native Animals
echidna: an animals with spikes, wombat: a short chubby animal, emu: a tall ostrich like bird, spider: an insect with lots of legs, dingo: an australian dog …
Under the Sea
crab : a sea creature with a hard shell, eight legs and two pincers (= curved and pointed arms for catching and holding things)., dolphin : a sea animal (a …
Cat Breeds
siamese : sleek fur, long & muscular body, color points -> face and paws, sphynx : known as the hairless cat, scottish fold : folded down ears and large …
Ocean Habitat
ocean : large body of water, seaweed : edible marine plants , turtle : hard shell reptile, cold : water temp at the bottom, shark : scary fish with teeth, fish …
Animal Farm
orwell: the author of the text, bad: 'four legs good, two legs ........', foxwood: another farm mentioned in the story, harvest: what the animals have to do …
Cave Creatures
antennae : feelers on an animal's head : antennae - feelers on an animal's head, aquatic : living in water : aquatic - living in water, bacteria : simple …
Horse Quiz
wither: where we measure horses height from, piebald: black and white horse, pommel: front part of the saddle, brow band: part of bridle that goes across the …
The Donkey
ancestor: the wild __________ of the donkey is african wild ass., expensive: having a donkey was like having an __________ car., shoulders: their ____________ …
Swine Production
sow: a mature female hog, farrow: to give birth, boar: a male pig used for breeding, hog: domesticated pig, barrow: a castrated male pig, duroc: this type of …
An invertebrate is a cold-blooded animal with no backbone. Invertebrates can live on land—like insects, spiders, and worms—or in water.
Arctic Animals
blubber: the layer of tissue under a polar bear's skin., burrows: what do arctic hares dig?, pups: what are baby seals called?, antlers: name the horns attached …
Endangered Species
endangered: when a species is at risk of extinction, extinct: when every member of the species is dead, threatened: when a species is close to being …
Snow Leopard
ounce : the snow leopard is also called the _____, asia : snow leopards live all across mountains in the continent ____, spots : snow leopards are characterized …
Beneficial Insects
predator: a beneficial insect that kills pest species, pollinator: a beneficial insect that helps crops and flowers grow, recycler: a beneficial insect that …