Travel & Tourism Crossword Puzzles
sleeping bag : something you sleep in while outdoor camping, mountains : the most common ranges are the rockies and the smokies, paddle : a piece of equipment …
At the Airport
wheels : what helps the plane move smoother, wings: what help the plane take-off., passport: a register of all the countries you have been to, destination: …
Survival Equipment
torch: a small electric lamp that you can hold in your hand and carry with you, knife: a metal edge with a handle, used for cutting or as a weapon, sleeping …
cherryblossom: types of trees, shopping: buy things, soju: a korean drink, food: you eat it, hiking: mountain walking, history: old stories, themedcafes: …
Tourism - Vocabulary
stay : a period of time that you spend in a place, vacation : a time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want, such as travel …
New York City
central park: what area in nyc contains bridle paths, chrysler: the art deco building that has six levels of stainless steel arches, metropolitan: the largest …
Couples Day Out
run : trail, gloves : worn to warm hands, chute : narrow strip of snow bordered by rocks/cliffs, cornice : overhanging lip of wind-packed snow on mountain …
cockpit: where the pilots sit, cabin: where passengers sit., wings: what help the plane take-off., destination: where the final point is for a plane., boeing: a …
rescue : to save a person from drowning or other danger., cpr : cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a life-saving technique used in emergencies., pool : a common …
Travel Nouns
trip : when you travel somewhere, you go on a ..., airport : the place were your flight departs., doctor : someone who gives you a diagnosis., journal : where …
gloves : keeps your hands warm in the cold, raft : a form of transport used in white water, mountains : the most common ranges are the rockies and the smokies, …
Summer Vacation
water park : an amusement park with facilities (such as pools and wetted slides) for aquatic recreation., park : an area of land, usually in a largely natural …
Types of Travel and Tourism
corporate travel: travelling for work purpose., leisure travel: travelling for enjoyment or pleasure., day trips: spending time away from the home environment …
Polar Express
The Polar Express is a computer animated adventure film and solve this related crossword puzzle based on the clues provided.
Travel Items
map: a picture that shows where countries, towns, roads, notebook: a book with empty pages that you can write in, souvenirs: something that you buy or keep to …
Inside Plane Cabin
seat : where passengers sit on, blanket : something that covers on someone for warmth , tray : a platform where you can put your things on, usually on the back …
Holiday Accommodations
log cabin: our cozy l _ _ c _ _ _ _ had a crackling fireplace and mountain views., hotel: after a long flight, we checked into a comfortable h _ _ _ _ _ with …
Package Holiday
youth hostel: youth sleep there on trips, new zealand: this country is near to australia , vatican: it is a smallest country in the world, tent: we are sleep …
Beach Vacation
sand: found on the ground leading up to water , bathing suit: clothing item worn at the beach, ice cream: a treat to cool you down, sunscreen : lotion applied …
scouring pad : used for scrubbing purpose, hand brush : used for brushing dust from surface, all purpose cleaner : most versatile of all cleaner, floor polisher …
Florida Maritime Museum
school house: florida maritime museum building’s former use (hint: original 1912 use) , hook: method early sponge harvesters used that was later replaced with …