Agriculture & Farm Crossword Puzzles
Careers in Agriculture
agronomist : expert in soil and crops, horticulturalist : cultivates plants and gardens, veterinarian : medical professional in non-humans, engineer : develops …
Botany Terminology
agriculture : production of plant and animals to meet basic human needs, horticulture : culture of plants for food, comfort and beauty, hort industry : all …
chlorophyll: the green cells in a leaf where food is made, plant: a living organism that makes its own food, root: part of a plant that absorbs water and …
Around the Farm
silage: chopped corn plants , beans: hand snapped vegetable , chicken: …
The Seeds
germination: the process of a seed starting to grow, shoot: tube-like vessel that helps transport nutrients from the roots to the plant, seedcoat: hard or …
pine: an evergreen tree with long needle leaves, oak: a large tree with acorns, horse chestnut: a deciduous tree with large leaves of five leaflets, leaf: can …
agronomist: an expert in the science of soil management and crop production, viticulture: the cultivation of grapes, oenology: the study of wines, horticulture: …
Soil Erosion and Conservation
tillage : manipulation of the soil (overturning) into a desired condition by mechanical means, terracing : make or form (sloping land) into a number of level …
Genetically Modified Organisms
tomato: first gmo food, salmon: most gmo animal that is created , pesticides: what does this eliminate from the farmers adding to their crops , gmo: another …
Plant Nutrition
chlorophyll: the green pigment inside the chloroplast, chloroplast: the part of the plant that collects the sunlight, glucose: what the plant uses for energy, …
Plant Terms
flower: the part of the plant that contains the reproductive parts of a plant, pollination: the transfer of pollen to a stigma, conifer tree: tree with …
allspice: best in pumpkin pie, daisy: closes it petals at night, echinacea: herb taken to boost immune system function, fig: used as a fertility symbol, garlic: …
Introduction to Farming
arable : the growing of crops, pastoral : the rearing of animals, extensive : these farms have few inputs on a large area of land., intensive : these farms have …
water scarcity : (2 words) the issue of insufficient water supply that agroecology works to better through the practices of sustainable and water efficient …
Vegetable Growing
organic : derived from living things, vegetables : a plant/ part of a plant used as food, harvest : period of gathering in crops, wheelbarrow : use to carry a …
Plant Classification
vascular plants: have tissues made of cells that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant, pteridophyte: a tracheophyte which reproduces by spores, a …
Plant Hunt
samanea: i am a tall tree that looks like an umbrella., hibiscus: i am the national flower for malaysia., asplenium: i look like a bird's nest but no bird stays …
abiotic: nonliving pollinators, biotic: living pollinators, anemophily: pollination by wind, cantharophily: pollination by beetle, cheiropterophily: …
Potato Facts
raleigh : sir walter _________ introduced potatoes to ireland in 1536, roasted : how you would cook your potatoes for a sunday dinner, calcium : what mineral …
Johnny Appleseed
medicine: this is what people take when they are sick., settlement: johnny appleseed lived in a little town called a _____, cider: a drink made from apples., …
Harvest Time
farmer : a person who cultivates crops or raises livestock, often as a profession., row : a line of things or people arranged side by side., field : an area of …