Books Crossword Puzzles

A collection of books crossword puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made puzzles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 1-21 of 197 records

An Inspector Calls Word Scramble Puzzle

An Inspector Calls

Books & Literature

engagement : what was being celebrated at the beginning of the play, bleach : what did the girl drink to kill herself, shiela : who was responsible for the …

Drama Elements Word Scramble Puzzle

Drama Elements

Books & Literature

conflict : the internal (inside) or external (outside) struggle between opposing forces, ideas, or interests that create suspense. the problem., comedy : a form …

Much Ado About Nothing Word Scramble Puzzle

Much Ado About Nothing

Books & Literature

leonato: governor of messina, hero: stereotypical woman of the time period , beatrice: subverts the stereotypical , love: a key theme in the play, deception: …

Argumentative Terms Word Scramble Puzzle

Argumentative Terms

Books & Literature

evidence : consists of facts, examples, and expert opinions that uphold the claim., audience : the intended target group for a message., key ideas : important …

Persuasive Devices Word Scramble Puzzle

Persuasive Devices

Books & Literature

opinions: ideas based on beliefs or personal experiences, rhetorical: questions which have an obvious answer, or designed to provoke reflection, anecdote: a …

Animal Farm - Chapter 1 Word Scramble Puzzle

Animal Farm - Chapter 1

Books & Literature

jones : last name of the owner of the farm, snowball : name of one of the young boars, napoleon : name of the other young boars, boxer : name of the male horse, …

Hatchet Word Scramble Puzzle


Books & Literature

hatchet: what was the tool brian used to make the fire?, divorce: brian's parents are getting a _____ , thirteen: how old is brian , wilderness: brian was …

Genres of Literature Word Scramble Puzzle

Genres of Literature

Books & Literature

horror : meant to scare, startle or shock., dystopian : takes place in a world worse than our own., realist : depicts the world truthfully., thriller : dark, …

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Word Scramble Puzzle

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Books & Literature

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a fantasy novel for children published in 1950 by C. S. Lewis.

Writing Structure Key Terms Word Scramble Puzzle

Writing Structure Key Terms

Books & Literature

point of view: the way a character regards events or people, sequence: the order in which things happen, past tense: a verb that describes something that …

Literary Device Examples Word Scramble Puzzle

Literary Device Examples

Books & Literature

simile : " skeletons thrown in a cluttered mound deep under.", imagery : "the garden sprinklers whirled up in golden founts, filling the …

Words to Describe Books Word Scramble Puzzle

Words to Describe Books

Books & Literature

violent : harming, attacking, hurting, horrible : bad, unpleasant , mysterious : strange, not known/ understood, hidden, amusing : funny, entertaining, …

Type of Writing Word Scramble Puzzle

Type of Writing

Books & Literature

poetry: a form or type of descriptive writing , visualization: is what descriptive writing produce to its readers, narrative: writing done to entertain its …

Literary Devices Word Scramble Puzzle

Literary Devices

Books & Literature

archetype: a universally recognized character, symbol, or situation that is repeated in various works of literature., epiphany: a sudden and profound …

Introduction to Fiction Terms Word Scramble Puzzle

Introduction to Fiction Terms

Books & Literature

first person: the story is told by someone who participates in or witnesses the action, style : the manner in which something is said or written, fiction : …

Story Elements Word Scramble Puzzle

Story Elements

Books & Literature

Solve this puzzle by guessing the different terms associated with a story like the theme, author, plot, climax etc.

Traditional Literature Word Scramble Puzzle

Traditional Literature

Books & Literature

fairy tale : it involves ordinary people who have experiences of a supernatural kind and are affected by charms, disguises, spells, or other fantastic …

Book Genres Word Scramble Puzzle

Book Genres

Books & Literature

horror : they are meant to scare, startle, shock, and even repulse readers., science fiction : common elements include time travel, space exploration, and …

Literary Terms Word Scramble Puzzle

Literary Terms

Books & Literature

allusion: literary reference to a familiar thing, climax: the turning point in a story, analogy: comparison of two or more similar objects, autobiography: …

Poetic Devices (Figurative Language) Word Scramble Puzzle

Poetic Devices (Figurative Language)

Books & Literature

oxymoron : words that are opposites in conjunction, meter : rhythmic structure of a poem, based on the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in each …

The Old Testament Word Scramble Puzzle

The Old Testament

Books & Literature

twelve : the number of tribes in israel , babylon : the country that conquered the kingdom of judah, elisha : the prophet who healed naaman, eve : the first …