Crossword Puzzles

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Showing 2731-2751 of 3413 records

Turtle Word Scramble Puzzle



green : name of turtle species named after a color, hawksbill : name of turtle species with a bird species in its name , bycatch : turtles also face accidental …

Elephants Word Scramble Puzzle



seventy: an elephant can live for up to ________ years, ears: you can tell the species of elephant by looking at their _______?, ivory: what an elephants tusk …

Bear Smart Word Scramble Puzzle

Bear Smart


torpor: winter survival strategy, berries: important fall food, garbage: common bear attractant, sow: term for female bear, paddington: famous bear from darkest …

Ocean Habitat Word Scramble Puzzle

Ocean Habitat


ocean : large body of water, seaweed : edible marine plants , turtle : hard shell reptile, cold : water temp at the bottom, shark : scary fish with teeth, fish …

About Fish Word Scramble Puzzle

About Fish


operculum: bony structure that covers the gills of a fish, peduncle: a part of the fish's tails that aids in swimming, nares: a fish's nostrils, ichthyology: …

Bugs Word Scramble Puzzle



insects : 6-legged bugs with 3 body parts, fly : has 4,000 thousand lenses in each eye, worm : eats soil and everything else, butterfly : eats pollen and drinks …

Ocean Creatures Word Scramble Puzzle

Ocean Creatures


dolphin : a smart and playful marine mammal., whale : a gigantic marine mammal living in the ocean., octopus : a creature with eight arms and a big brain., sea …

Tiger Snake Horror Word Scramble Puzzle

Tiger Snake Horror


venom: poison, stowaway: passenger who has not paid a fare, severe: base word for "severity", collapse: fall down suddenly, slither: snake motion, …

Circulatory and Respiratory System Word Scramble Puzzle

Circulatory and Respiratory System


arteries: carry oxygenated blood away from the heart, capillaries: the smallest blood vessels in the body, veins: carry de-oxygenated blood to the heart, …

Energy Stores & Pathways Word Scramble Puzzle

Energy Stores & Pathways


kinetic : anything moving has energy in this store, gravitational : anything that has mass and has the potential to 'fall', mechanical : energy pathway due to a …

Types of Farming Word Scramble Puzzle

Types of Farming

Agriculture & Farm

subsistence : farming practiced by indigenous tribes, low impact., exploitation : to overuse and harm something., irrigation : the watering system used in …

Wonderful Wilderness! Word Scramble Puzzle

Wonderful Wilderness!

Travel & Tourism

gloves : keeps your hands warm in the cold, raft : a form of transport used in white water, paddle : a piece of equipment used to move a canoe in water, …

Types Of Snakes Word Scramble Puzzle

Types Of Snakes


cobra : they belong to the elapids family of snakes and are one of the most dangerous types of snake, python : known for their ability to kill their prey by …

Know These Words Word Scramble Puzzle

Know These Words


verdant: green with vegetation; inexperienced, hegemony: the domination of one state or group over its allies, sardonic: cynical; scornfully mocking, …

Egypt Word Scramble Puzzle



hammurabi : the first set of laws, pyramid : burial tombs are in a ___, mummified : pharaoh's get ___, ibu : the purification process is called ___, canopic : …

Walking Dead Book Word Scramble Puzzle

Walking Dead Book

Books & Literature

zombie: to die is to be a...., mattress: what was found in the van, headshot: how to kill a zombie, ben: who did carl killed, gabriel: who did the group find at …

Introduction to Chemistry Word Scramble Puzzle

Introduction to Chemistry


mixture : when some elements or compounds are mixed together but do not react together, element : a substance made up of only one type of atom, compound : a …

Nursing Considerations in Mass Transfusion Word Scramble Puzzle

Nursing Considerations in Mass Transfusion

Health & Fitness

urine : this output is a measurable indicator that the kidneys are responding appropriately to blood resuscitation, normothermia : this should be obtained with …

Western States Word Scramble Puzzle

Western States

Cities & Places

texas : austin is the capital of this state, sacramento : capital of california, phoenix : capital of arizona, colorado : nicknamed the centennial state, nevada …

Brain and Neuropsychology Word Scramble Puzzle

Brain and Neuropsychology

Health & Fitness

ans: system which operates involuntarily , cns: made up of the brain and spinal cord, homeostasis: process which the body maintains a constant and balanced …

Social Diversity Word Scramble Puzzle

Social Diversity

People & Society

diversity: the spectrum of individuals representing more than one national origin, color, religion, socioeconomic stratum, sexual orientation, or other …