Countries Crossword Puzzles
Latin America
costa rica : which country has a unemployment rate of 8.1%, real : brazil's type of currency, roman catholic : what religion is 50% of nicaragua , presidential …
Things in Canada
poutines: popular food dish in canada , lacrosse: canadas national sport, maple leaf: it symbolizes canada, toronto: the largest populated city in canada, …
Early Singapore
temenggong: it is a malay term for chief. , demolished: the sharp rocks were _________________________ by the british in 1848., india: francis rawdon-hasting …
History of Singapore
utama: sang nila ____________ was a srivijayan prince who first founded , temasek : what is the island of singapore previously called?, tiger: it is believed …
Countries Around the World
america : ms. keziah is from here. some people call this big country "the land of the free". it has 50 states., australia : some people call this …
The Americas
olmec: the earliest-known mesoamerican civilization, yucatan: a peninsula in central america extending into the gulf of mexico inhabited by the maya, …
Asian Countries
india: this country not only borders seven other nations, but an ocean has the same name. which country is that?, russia: this is the largest country in asia., …
New Zealand
prime minister: the job of the head of the government, tamoko : the tattoo worn by maori people, dutch: nationality of the first person the discover new …
New Zealand Fun Facts
hillary: surname of first person to climb everest, kiaora: popular greeting, haka: ceremonial war challenge, hector: the world's smallest and rarest marine …
United States
fifty : number of states in the us, illinois : prairie state, new york : state containing one of the largest cities, five : the us was divided into how many …
South Africa
nine: provinces in south africa, khoisan: natives people of south africa, pretoria: capital city, umtata: where was nelson mandela born, orange: longest river …
Flags of the World
japan : red circle on a white background, germany : black, then red, then yellow horizontal stripes, bangladesh : red circle on a green background, austria : …
European Countries
italy : rome and vatican city are in this country., portugal : part of the iberian peninsula, and its eastern border is with spain., germany : munich and berlin …