Law & Government Crossword Puzzles

A collection of law and government crossword puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made puzzles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 1-21 of 52 records

Civics Word Scramble Puzzle


Law & Government

law of soil: persons citizenship same as their biological parent, autocracy: form of government where one person has unlimited power, monarchy: form of gov't …

Crime Word Scramble Puzzle


Law & Government

burglary : the crime of entering a building illegally and stealing things from it., steal : to take something without the permission, theft : the crime of …

Civics and Citizenship Word Scramble Puzzle

Civics and Citizenship

Law & Government

citizens: people who live in, and belong to, a place, monarchy: a type of government where one family has the power, constitution: the rules and values by which …

UK Government Word Scramble Puzzle

UK Government

Law & Government

three : the number of parts parliament is made up of., opposition : the politicians that are not in government., government : parliament challenges the work of …

Humanities - Civics and Citizenship Word Scramble Puzzle

Humanities - Civics and Citizenship

Law & Government

election: how australians choose their leaders, democracy: a political system in which everyone is allowed to vote, parliament: australia's main law-making body …

Equality and Social Justice Word Scramble Puzzle

Equality and Social Justice

Law & Government

equality: the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities., social justice:, discrimination: the unjust treatment of different …

Human Rights & Social Justice Word Scramble Puzzle

Human Rights & Social Justice

Law & Government

disability: a physical or mental impairment which has an adverse effect on a persons ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities, discrimination: actions …

Legal Definitions Word Scramble Puzzle

Legal Definitions

Law & Government

court reporter: types everything said in the court room, defense attorney: attorney for the defendant , perjury: they lie under oath, judge: this person give …

Civil Rights Word Scramble Puzzle

Civil Rights

Law & Government

abuse : use something in a bad way or for a bad purpose, discrimination : the unjust treatment of different categories of people, legalize : to make legal; to …

Scout Law Word Scramble Puzzle

Scout Law

Law & Government

helpful : volunteer to help others without expecting a reward., obedient : follow the rules of your family, school, and troop, obey the laws of your community …

Democracy and Dictatorships Word Scramble Puzzle

Democracy and Dictatorships

Law & Government

dictator : someone who take power in a country and wont give it back, stallon : last name of the name who lead the soviet union, holyrood: the name of scottish …

Executive Branch Word Scramble Puzzle

Executive Branch

Law & Government

executive: ________ order is a rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law., electors : a person …

External Influences Word Scramble Puzzle

External Influences

Law & Government

pestec : acronym for external influences, government : group of people who make political decisions, recession : during this time many people become unemployed …

The U.S. Presidents Word Scramble Puzzle

The U.S. Presidents

Law & Government

polk: mr. manifest destiny; war with mexico., truman: integrated the military/federal government., adams: alien and sedition acts., jefferson: responsible for …

Politics and Law Word Scramble Puzzle

Politics and Law

Law & Government

judiciary: interprets the law applies them to specific circumstances in cases heard in courts, coalition: where two or more political parties create an alliance …

Intro to Government Word Scramble Puzzle

Intro to Government

Law & Government

citizen: person who legally belongs to and has the rights and protections of a country, meritocracy: those with exceptional ability & moral character should …

Nationalities Word Scramble Puzzle


Law & Government

russian: rusia, canadian: canada, egyptian: egypt, greek: grecia, japanese: japan, swiss: switzerland, mexican: mexico, astralian: australia, irish: irlanda, …

Court Vocab Word Scramble Puzzle

Court Vocab

Law & Government

evidence: anything that is used to prove the existence or nonexistence of a fact, reasonable doubt: a legal standard of proof required in criminal cases, jude: …

Courtroom Terms Word Scramble Puzzle

Courtroom Terms

Law & Government

defendant : person who has been accused of a crime and is on trial, prosecutor : lawyer who leads the case against the defendant, testimony : evidence provided …

Medical, Legal, & Ethical Issues Word Scramble Puzzle

Medical, Legal, & Ethical Issues

Law & Government

abandonment : unilateral termination of care without the patient's consent and without making provisions to transfer care to another heatlh care provider., …

Human Rights Word Scramble Puzzle

Human Rights

Law & Government

dignity : the quality a person has that makes them worthy of honour or respect, human rights : something a person is entitled to because they are human, amnesty …