Vocabulary Crossword Puzzles

A collection of vocabulary crossword puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made puzzles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 1-21 of 138 records

Adjectives Ending with -ing and -ed Word Scramble Puzzle

Adjectives Ending with '-ing' and '-ed'


tiring: we drove for two hours to get to the hotel. the trip was very __________., surprised : my mom planned a party and invited all my friends. i didn't know …

Prefixes and Suffixes Word Scramble Puzzle

Prefixes and Suffixes


reread : to read again, homeless : without a home, hopeful : full of hope, unhappy : not happy, unlock : not lock, disagree : not agree, fearless : without …

Ninth Grade Vocabulary List Word Scramble Puzzle

Ninth Grade Vocabulary List


accord: to agree; to be in harmony with, accrue: to grow or accumulate, as the interest on capital, acquiesce: to consent without protest, but without …

Parts of Speech Word Scramble Puzzle

Parts of Speech


conjunction: tomatoes and potatoes. what pos is and?, interjection: an abrupt remark or interruption., adverb: she typed fiercely at the keyboard. what pos is …

aw/ough Words Word Scramble Puzzle

aw/ough Words


bought : purchase something past tense, fought : engaged in a war or battle, thought : an idea, ought : you really should do something, sought : finding …

Prepositions of Time Word Scramble Puzzle

Prepositions of Time


monday: the day in between sunday and tuesday, spring: the season when flowers bloom and trees are greener, may: the month when we have golden week, sunday: …

The Letter F Word Scramble Puzzle

The Letter F


feathers : these are on birds, face : where you find your eyes, nose and mouth, funny : what lori spiak is, frog : it says ribbit, four : the number before 5, …

4th Grade Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

4th Grade Vocabulary


voice: what speaks, squeeze: to hold tight, vanish: disappear, dither: high energy, crackle: sound of fire , portray: to make description, fend: to defend, …

3rd Grade Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

3rd Grade Vocabulary


loaf: to pass time lazily, south: opposite of north, house: home, bacon: breakfast meat from pig, maple: type of tree, plaster: pastelike mixture applied to a …

Latin Roots: mob, mot, mov Word Scramble Puzzle

Latin Roots: mob, mot, mov


locomotion: the ability to move from place to place, motivate: to do something that makes a person move into action, automobile: a self-propelled passenger …

2nd Grade Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

2nd Grade Vocabulary


street: paved road, drive: to control a vehicle, glow: to shine, wink: to shut one eye, garden: where plants grow, skim: to take off top part, nice: something …

Months and Days of the Week Word Scramble Puzzle

Months and Days of the Week


february : the shortest month of the year.., monday : second day of the week., august : the last month of school holidays, january : first month of the year., …

Vocabulary Practice Word Scramble Puzzle

Vocabulary Practice


scheme: outline or model, maximum: the largest amount, technology: the study of tech, proportion: portion in relation to the whole, sequence:following one thing …

Vocabulary #5 Word Scramble Puzzle

Vocabulary #5


electrolyte: ions flow through the __________ in a battery. , rocky: the four planets that are closest to the sun have what physical property in common., …

Phrasal Verbs Word Scramble Puzzle

Phrasal Verbs


take up: start something new, work out: solve something, write down: copy words into a note, get on with: like someone/be friends with, keep up with: learn as …

German Months! Word Scramble Puzzle

German Months!


januar : er ist der erste monat des jahres, juni : das ist der sechste monat des jahres, juli : in diesem monat fangen die sommerferien an., februar : in diesem …

KN- and GN- Words Word Scramble Puzzle

KN- and GN- Words


knife: what you cut your food with, knoll: a tiny hill, gnash: to show your teeth aggressively, knitter: someone who makes sweaters or hats from yarn, knapsack: …

Compound Nouns Word Scramble Puzzle

Compound Nouns


boarding pass : you will need this if you want to get on a plane, book case : the library has many of these shelves for holding books, sun glasses : you might …

Magical Words Word Scramble Puzzle

Magical Words


coven: a group of witches, slight of hand: technique used by magicians, hex: an unfavorable spell, levitation: causing something to float or fly, cauldron: a …

Irregular Past Tense Word Scramble Puzzle

Irregular Past Tense


ate: past tense of eat, came: past tense of come, brought: past tense of bring, flew: past tense of fly, drank: past tense of drink, went: past tense of go, …

AIR, ARE, EAR Words Word Scramble Puzzle



scare: i love to scare my dad , pear: a pear is my favorite fruit , hare: a hare is a very fast rabbit-like animal, care: lucy goosy yelled 'i don't care, i …