Crossword Puzzles

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Showing 3235-3255 of 3413 records

Teaching Terminology Word Scramble Puzzle

Teaching Terminology


supportive: we need to create this kind of environment, maslow: this person created the hierarchy of needs , assessment: how do we know knowledge has been …

Learning Aim A & B Word Scramble Puzzle

Learning Aim A & B


childhood : the first life stage, inflation : a general rise in prices, convenient : how easy is online banking, bankruptcy : not an ive, but..., store of value …

Attribute Data Management Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

Attribute Data Management Vocabulary


ratio: population density data type, double: 3.141592653589793238462643 number type, attribute: a characteristic of a feature, field: a column in a table, key: …

Components of a Research Proposal Word Scramble Puzzle

Components of a Research Proposal


discussion: a section that interprets and analyses the results of the experiment, abstract: a brief summary of the main findings of the research paper, research …

Literature Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

Literature Vocabulary


sated: fully satisfied , insular: isolated , ruction: noisy quarrel or disturbance , divers: various, different, brumal: occurring in winter, obdurate: hardened …

Geometry Terms Word Scramble Puzzle

Geometry Terms


adjacent : two angles in a plane that have a common vertex and a common side but no common interior points., right: a triangle that has a 90 degree angle. , …

Learning Aim G Word Scramble Puzzle

Learning Aim G


income : this statement is comprehensive, loss : area below break-even, liability : debt owed, prepayments : these are settled in advance, liquidity : needs to …

Learning Aim C Word Scramble Puzzle

Learning Aim C


compliance : abiding with accounting law, capital : what an owner might put into the business, mortgage : a building loan, intangible : you might buy this with …

Language Methods Word Scramble Puzzle

Language Methods


personification: giving human characteristics or attributes to something non-human, noun: a word used to classify a person, place or thing, simile: a figure of …

Practice Using Math Language Word Scramble Puzzle

Practice Using Math Language


factor pair : 2 numbers that are multiplied together to give a product, equation : a statement that uses an equal sign to show that two expressions have the …

Mechanical Systems & Control Word Scramble Puzzle

Mechanical Systems & Control


three : amount of components that brake systems consist of, spur gears : circular discs with teeth machined into them, cables : used to transmit the braking …

Lets Talk about School Word Scramble Puzzle

Let's Talk about School


rules: a list of what you can and can't do., library: where you can read and borrow books., trainers: running shoes, teenager: adolescent, trousers: synonym of …

Linear Systems Word Scramble Puzzle

Linear Systems


y intercept : is the point where the graph intersects the y-axis., run : how many units you move left or right from point to point, slope : a number that …

Microbiology Word Scramble Puzzle



carnivore : an organism that only eats meat , glucose : another word for sugar (c6 h12 o6), water : one of the essential elements of photosynthesis (h2o), blood …

Relationships of Circles Word Scramble Puzzle

Relationships of Circles


arc: a part of a circle that is defined by two endpoints., central angle: an angle that intersects a circle in two points and has its vertex at the center of …

Learning Aim E Word Scramble Puzzle

Learning Aim E


contribution : paid towards fixed costs, sales not from cash : credit, loss: areas below break-even, the balance that ends : closing, volume : sales in value …

Writing Mechanics Word Scramble Puzzle

Writing Mechanics


independent: a type of clause that can stand alone as a sentence, subordinate: a type of clause that can't stand alone as a sentence, splice: two independent …

Animal Agriculture as Science Word Scramble Puzzle

Animal Agriculture as Science


vaccinating: process of injecting animals with certain micro-organisms , lactation:process of an animal producing milk, serum:clear portion of any fluid, …

The Words of Maths Word Scramble Puzzle

The Words of Maths


product: the result of multiplying 2 or more numbers together, difference : the result of subtracting 1 or more numbers from another, division : the inverse of …

Happy Pi Day Word Scramble Puzzle

Happy Pi Day


forever : an irrational number is a decimal number that goes on ____________ without repeating a pattern., diameter : the ___________ is the distance across a …

Minerals and Coal Word Scramble Puzzle

Minerals and Coal

Energy & Utilities

diamond: the hardest mineral on earth., mineral: what rocks are made of., electricity: we need it to cook and watch tv., nonrenewable: it cannot be replaced …