Crossword Puzzles

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Showing 1-21 of 3413 records

Finance and Budgeting Word Scramble Puzzle

Finance and Budgeting


credit card: thin rectangular piece of plastic or metal card issued by financial institutions , stocks: a share which entitles the holder to a fixed dividend, …

Prefixes and Suffixes Word Scramble Puzzle

Prefixes and Suffixes


reread : to read again, homeless : without a home, hopeful : full of hope, unhappy : not happy, unlock : not lock, disagree : not agree, fearless : without …

Civics Word Scramble Puzzle


Law & Government

law of soil: persons citizenship same as their biological parent, autocracy: form of government where one person has unlimited power, monarchy: form of gov't …

Americas History Word Scramble Puzzle

America's History


hancock: first person to sign the declaration of independence (last name), jefferson: the third president of the usa (last name), lafayette : a general from …

World and Human Geography Word Scramble Puzzle

World and Human Geography


paris: capital of france, australia: holds the unique distinction of being both a country and continent, continent: one of several massive landmasses on …

Language and Cognitive Development Word Scramble Puzzle

Language and Cognitive Development


babbling : the second stage of language development, autism : a neurological disorder which affects one's social abilities, cooing : the first stage of language …

Nutrition Word Scramble Puzzle


Health & Fitness

calorie : a unit of energy you get from the foods you consume., calcium : essential in keeping bones healthy., carbohydrates : fruits, veggies, beans, rice and …

Non-Communicable Disease Word Scramble Puzzle

Non-Communicable Disease

Health & Fitness

biopsy : removal of a small piece of tissue for examination, benign : non-cancerous tumor, arrhythmia : irregular heartbeat, malignant : cancerous tumor, cancer …

The Detectives Word Scramble Puzzle

The Detectives

People & Society

crime: the police sat before the __________ scene., detective: the people who investigate a crime or theft., code: the detectives make these _____ words., gun: …

Fall Prevention Word Scramble Puzzle

Fall Prevention

Safety & Prevention

bathroom : where patients fall the most., incident report : complete an _____________ ___________ if a fall occurs., two : if your patient is on level _____ …

Animal Farm - Chapter 2 Word Scramble Puzzle

Animal Farm - Chapter 2

Books & Literature

napoleon : name of one of the young boars, snowball : name of the other young boar, animalism : system of thoughts based on old major's teachings, sugar : …

CE Resume Writing Information Word Scramble Puzzle

CE Resume Writing Information


lie: do not ever do this on a resume. false promises will not benefit you in the interview or in the workplace., outline: your descriptions will _______ your …

Toys and Games Word Scramble Puzzle

Toys and Games


yoyo: rolls from your hand on a string, rubix: all six sides must match on this cube, soccer: no hands can be used in this game, life: choose college or a …

Board Games Word Scramble Puzzle

Board Games


draw : games that don't end in a win or a loss, chess : this game is played with royalty-kings, queens, knights, rooks and pawns, pictionary : if you draw well …

Positive Affirmations Word Scramble Puzzle

Positive Affirmations

People & Society

brave : i am _____ enough to climb any mountain., bold : i am ____., fierce : i have discovered that i am ______., stepping stone : i use my failures as a …

Hobbies Word Scramble Puzzle


People & Society

hiking : enjoying nature and getting exercise. , surfing : this is so much fun, but i have to be careful of the sharks., camping : making a fire and sleeping …

Positivity Word Scramble Puzzle


People & Society

can : say i ___ do it rather than 'i can't', positive : opposite of negative, light : opposite of dark, yellow : a happy colour, heart : symbol for love, strong …

Coping Skills Word Scramble Puzzle

Coping Skills

People & Society

movie: people go to the theater to watch this , breathe: inhale then exhale , read: you need a book to do this activity , game: sometimes you just need to play …

The Civil Rights Movement Word Scramble Puzzle

The Civil Rights Movement


i have a dream : the name of martin luther king jr's popular speech dealing with unequal black treatment, unconstitutional : a law that the court system decides …

Womens History Month Word Scramble Puzzle

Women's History Month


atlantic: amelia earhart was the first woman to cross the ___________ in an airplane in 1928, hillary clinton: ______________, was the first first lady ever …

Northeast States Word Scramble Puzzle

Northeast States

Cities & Places

maine : largest new england state and is home to arcadia national park., pennsylvania : us state also known as keystone state, connecticut : known as the …