Crossword Puzzles
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Synonyms and Antonyms
cowardly : antonym for brave, smooth : antonym for rough, depart: synonym for leave, error : synonym for mistake, elderly : synonym for old, lies : antonym for …
popcorn: a tasty snack made from corn, butter: a common popcorn topping, caramel: a popular sweet version of popcorn, movie: a good companion for popcorn, …
Winter Vehicle Safety
scraper : use this to clear your windshield of ice., tire pressure : check this when the weather starts to get cold., windshield wipers : check your _________ …
Wedding Crossword
Have fun at your wedding with this Wedding Crossword Puzzle. Have people this fun and interactive puzzle.
out: i threw _____ the trash., into: i climbed ______ bed before 10:00pm., upon: the story began once _____ a time., from: i ran ______ the playground to get to …
Famous Art & Artists
raphael : leonardo, donatello and michelangelo's fellow renaissance artist and ninja turtle., michelangelo : painter of the sistine chapel in italy., haring : …
eight: you need at least ________ hours of sleep, bed: what you sleep on, six: people spend at least _____ years of their lives dreaming., phone: don't play …
Moderate / Deep Sedation
narcan: reversal agent used for fentanyl, timeout: what is to be completed in the procedural room prior to any medication being administered?, thirty: minimum …
Introduction to Farming
arable : the growing of crops, pastoral : the rearing of animals, extensive : these farms have few inputs on a large area of land., intensive : these farms have …
allspice: best in pumpkin pie, daisy: closes it petals at night, echinacea: herb taken to boost immune system function, fig: used as a fertility symbol, garlic: …
sun flower : large circular yellow petals, rose : natural fragrance and a symbol of love, daisy : the name of an english girl that starts with 'd' and ends with …
Plant Terms
flower: the part of the plant that contains the reproductive parts of a plant, pollination: the transfer of pollen to a stigma, conifer tree: tree with …
Plant Nutrition
chlorophyll: the green pigment inside the chloroplast, chloroplast: the part of the plant that collects the sunlight, glucose: what the plant uses for energy, …
Latin America
costa rica : which country has a unemployment rate of 8.1%, real : brazil's type of currency, roman catholic : what religion is 50% of nicaragua , presidential …
bad breath : a short term effect of smoking, tobacco : what cigarettes are made out of, yellow : a smokers teeth will turn this color, long term : happening …
Plant Identification
stamens: this is the male part of the flower consisting of anther and filament., petals: it is the colorful part of a flower which attracts insects and birds., …
pine: an evergreen tree with long needle leaves, oak: a large tree with acorns, horse chestnut: a deciduous tree with large leaves of five leaflets, leaf: can …
Operating Room Fire Safety
red : code color announced overhead , pull : p in p.a.s.s, rescue : r in r.a.c.e , ignition : lasers and electro surgical units are major ______ sources in or , …
Food & Body Positivity
eating disorder: february 21 - 27, 2022 is national _____ ______ awareness week, relationship: one’s ____ with food can influence their overall wellness, …
Positive Affirmations
brave : i am _____ enough to climb any mountain., bold : i am ____., fierce : i have discovered that i am ______., stepping stone : i use my failures as a …
Soil Erosion and Conservation
tillage : manipulation of the soil (overturning) into a desired condition by mechanical means, terracing : make or form (sloping land) into a number of level …