Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief Crossword Puzzle

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief crossword puzzle printable. Download, print and start playing. You can add your own words to customize or start creating from scratch.

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Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: annabeth chase: percy's newfound friend , zeus: the god of the sky, adhd: what percy has because of being a half blood, dyslexia:what most half bloods have other than adhd , grover: percy's friend, underworld:what hades rules, hades: the god of the underworld, athena: the god of wisdom, clarisse: percy's enemy , boarding school:where percy spent a lot of time in, luke: percy's "friend" that betrays him, sixth grade:percy's grade, lightening bolt: what the gods think percy stole , sally jackson: percy's mother, new york:where percy lived, summer solstice:when percy has to give the lightening bolt back, hermes: the god of messages, poseidon: the god of the water and percy's father, percy jackson: the main character