Books Crossword Puzzles

A collection of books crossword puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made puzzles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 43-63 of 197 records

Argumentative Terms Word Scramble Puzzle

Argumentative Terms

Books & Literature

evidence : consists of facts, examples, and expert opinions that uphold the claim., audience : the intended target group for a message., key ideas : important …

Literary Devices Word Scramble Puzzle

Literary Devices

Books & Literature

archetype: a universally recognized character, symbol, or situation that is repeated in various works of literature., epiphany: a sudden and profound …

Parts of an Essay Word Scramble Puzzle

Parts of an Essay

Books & Literature

bridge: link between the hook and the thesis, rationale: your reasons, arguments, and logic for why you believe what you believe about your topic, transitions: …

A Single Shard - Lessons 5-9 Word Scramble Puzzle

A Single Shard - Lessons 5-9

Books & Literature

intricate: having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate, impeccable: without fault or error, knead: use the hands to mix and work something into a uniform …

Twelfth Night Word Scramble Puzzle

Twelfth Night

Books & Literature

feste: the jester of the play, ring: countess olivia says cesario left this behind, toby: spends most of his time drinking, virtuous: the countess is described …

Genres of Literature Word Scramble Puzzle

Genres of Literature

Books & Literature

horror : meant to scare, startle or shock., dystopian : takes place in a world worse than our own., realist : depicts the world truthfully., thriller : dark, …

The Tempest Word Scramble Puzzle

The Tempest

Books & Literature

globe theater: what is shakespeare's theater called?, antonio: who is miranda's uncle?, ferdinand: who is the king's son?, tempest: a violent storm, ariel: who …

Much Ado About Nothing Word Scramble Puzzle

Much Ado About Nothing

Books & Literature

leonato: governor of messina, hero: stereotypical woman of the time period , beatrice: subverts the stereotypical , love: a key theme in the play, deception: …

The Invisible Man Word Scramble Puzzle

The Invisible Man

Books & Literature

hgwells: writer, assault: this crime against many in the story, spectacles: worn over his eyes, frame: the panel is within this, betray: what invisible man …

The Lady or the Tiger Word Scramble Puzzle

The Lady or the Tiger

Books & Literature

olden : story happens in an___time., arena : where this happens., door : you must choose one___., married : if you don't die, you are___., commoner : …

Creative Writing: Fiction Word Scramble Puzzle

Creative Writing: Fiction

Books & Literature

character : a person in a play, novel or tv programme., imagery : the overall word for methods like similes and metaphors, paragraphs : the sections we use in …

Book Genres Word Scramble Puzzle

Book Genres

Books & Literature

horror : they are meant to scare, startle, shock, and even repulse readers., science fiction : common elements include time travel, space exploration, and …

Stick Dog Dreams of Ice Cream Word Scramble Puzzle

Stick Dog Dreams of Ice Cream

Books & Literature

nowhere: karen insists it is possible to go there, and stick dog helps prove her right, shake: at the start of the story, mutt does this to help cool off his …

The Girl of Ink and Stars Word Scramble Puzzle

The Girl of Ink and Stars

Books & Literature

ink : what we use to write, stars: they help guide us home at night, pep: isabella's cat, pablo : able to lift his parents above his head, governor: title of …

Persuasive Language Word Scramble Puzzle

Persuasive Language

Books & Literature

sensationalist: a type of language that tries to startle, excite or dramatise, rhetorical: a question that does not require an answer, triples: saying something …

Type of Writing Word Scramble Puzzle

Type of Writing

Books & Literature

poetry: a form or type of descriptive writing , visualization: is what descriptive writing produce to its readers, narrative: writing done to entertain its …

Library Terms Word Scramble Puzzle

Library Terms

Books & Literature

database: a collection of information stored in an electronic format that can be searched by a computer., citation: a reference to a book, magazine or journal …

The Hound of the Baskervilles - Chapter 1 Word Scramble Puzzle

The Hound of the Baskervilles - Chapter 1

Books & Literature

detective : a private investigator, hound : giant dog, heart attack : a sudden disruption of regular heart function, garden : an area of ground, near a house, …

Number The Stars Word Scramble Puzzle

Number The Stars

Books & Literature

dogs: the germans used these to help find jews, mr johansen: annemarie's father, mr rosen: ellen's father, kirsti: annemarie's little sister, star of david: …

A Single Shard - Lessons 1-4 Word Scramble Puzzle

A Single Shard - Lessons 1-4

Books & Literature

precariously: in a manner affording no ease or reassurance, translucent: allowing light to pass through diffusely, resign: accept as inevitable, symmetry: …

Poetry Word Scramble Puzzle


Books & Literature

rhyme scheme:the pattern of sounds at the end of each line in a poem., metaphor:a comparison that does not use 'like' or 'as'., alliteration:suddenly sam …