Books Crossword Puzzles
Creative Writing Terms
dialect : a particular form of a language, dialogue : conversation between two or more people, epiphany : appearance, epithets : descriptive literary device, …
parentheses : marks that show that the text inside is not essential to the sentence, semicolon : separates two independent clauses, dash : marks a sudden change …
The House on Mango Street
house: what esperanza dreams of owning. , music box: (2 words) what nenny wants to buy at gil's furniture bought & sold. , poor: most accurately describes …
The Jungle Book
bagheera : the strongest animal in jungle book, three : how many stories does the graphic novel include?, hypnotize : whats kaas special power, kaa : who did …
National Library Week
fiction : section for stories that are not true, author : writer of a book, atlas : a book of maps, librarian : a person who works at the library, library : a …
Persuasive Language
sensationalist: a type of language that tries to startle, excite or dramatise, rhetorical: a question that does not require an answer, triples: saying something …
A Wolf Called Wander
elk: the first meat that wander and his siblings eat when fed to them by their mother and father , growl: the wolf's babysitter when they are puppies, road: …
news : you read these to learn about events happening in the world, they are mostly nonfiction., illustration : a drawing of something, caption : words under a …
Dork Diaries
pop: the kind of music nikki sings (3), branikki: couple name for brandon and nikki (8), life: tales from a not-so-fabulous ____ (4), not: tales from a ___- so …
Books of the Bible
deuteronomy : one of the books of law , acts : history book in the new testament , five : number of books of law , matthew : first gospel , malachi : last book …
Parts of a Library Book
cover : the outside binding of a book, copyright page : shows information you need to cite sources, copyright date : the book’s “birthday” because it …
The Giver
apprehensive: anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen., distraught: deeply upset and agitated., abandon: cease to support or look after …
The Girl of Ink and Stars
ink : what we use to write, stars: they help guide us home at night, pep: isabella's cat, pablo : able to lift his parents above his head, governor: title of …
The Hound of the Baskervilles - Chapter 1
detective : a private investigator, hound : giant dog, heart attack : a sudden disruption of regular heart function, garden : an area of ground, near a house, …
Dog Days
spite: desire to harm another person, looming: appearing to be huge, populate: to inhabit, live in, stifles: to hold back, cowering: crouching as in fear …
William Shakespeare's Life and Works
eight: shakespeare's wife was ___________ years older than him, glove maker: shakespeare's fathers job, romeo: famous love story set in verona - ________ and …
Banned Books
in cold blood : banned book written by truman capote, orwell : who wrote 1984?, dreiser : author of the book that was banned in 1933 due to it discussing love …
Sarah, Plain and Tall: Vocabulary
clattered: to move rapidly with such a sound, handout: anything given away for free, plow: to till the soil, hearthstone: a stone forming a hearth, bonnet: a …
Story Genres
history : this type of story happens in the past, normally a long time ago., comedy : this type of story is funny., action : this story would be quite violent, …
Parts and Figure of Speech
idiom : is a word formed by using more than one word together and rarely in the connotation of a single word to express a certain concept. a certain emotion or …
Kumiko and the Dragon
scared: another word for afraid?, kumiko : who is the main character in the story? , curious: someone who is inquisitive is?, dragon: what is tomodo? , …