Crossword Puzzles

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Showing 2689-2709 of 3413 records

Whale Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

Whale Vocabulary


pod : what we call groups of whales or dolphins traveling together, beluga : a white whale, fluke: the end of a whale's tail, which is used for power and …

Cave Creatures Word Scramble Puzzle

Cave Creatures


antennae : feelers on an animal's head : antennae - feelers on an animal's head, aquatic : living in water : aquatic - living in water, bacteria : simple …

Animal Signs Word Scramble Puzzle

Animal Signs


rat : small and sneaky, ox : hard-warking in the field, tiger : strong and ferocious in the forest, rabbit : gental and affectionate, likes eating carrots, …

Reptile World Word Scramble Puzzle

Reptile World


lizard : name one type of reptile, habitat loss : the greatest threat to reptiles is, crocodiles : _____ look almost identical to their ancestors from 200 …

Beneficial Insects Word Scramble Puzzle

Beneficial Insects


predator: a beneficial insect that kills pest species, pollinator: a beneficial insect that helps crops and flowers grow, recycler: a beneficial insect that …

Working Animals Word Scramble Puzzle

Working Animals


horse: used for riding and racing, helpful: to give service or assistance, animal: a living thing that can move and eat, camel: a large, long-necked mammal with …

Forces and Newtons Laws Word Scramble Puzzle

Forces and Newtons Laws


force: a push or pull, net force: the sum of all the forces acting on an object , friction: the force that opposes the sliding motion of two surfaces that are …

The Cell Cycle, Mitosis & DNA Word Scramble Puzzle

The Cell Cycle, Mitosis & DNA


dna : the basic molecule of your genetic information., cytokinesis : the stage of the cell cycle where the cell splits into two, interphase : the stage of the …

Quadrilateral Word Scramble Puzzle



rectangle : opposite sides are congruent and parallel, all four (4) sides are right angles, rhombus : opposite angles are congruent, all four (4) sides are …

Humanities Vocab Words Word Scramble Puzzle

Humanities Vocab Words


aloof: distant, detached, cold , gullible: easy to be misdirected, tricked, or deceived , cynical: believing people act under selfish reasons/motives, …

Sentence Structures Word Scramble Puzzle

Sentence Structures

Books & Literature

pronoun : replaces a noun, verb : tells what action the noun does or its state of being, phrase : a group of words that gives extra information, clause : a …

About China Word Scramble Puzzle

About China


bronze : the shang dynasty was known for the crafting of _____, oracle : _____ bones were used by the shang people to foretell the future., tian : in the zhou …

China - Landscapes, Features and Cities Word Scramble Puzzle

China - Landscapes, Features and Cities

Cities & Places

china : the largest country in asia with 2.2 billion people., tibetan plateu : a high flat area of land located in the west of china., beijing : the capital …

Weird and Wonderful Animals Word Scramble Puzzle

Weird and Wonderful Animals


fur : the hair on a dog or cat's body., british : a kind of cat with short, black fur., sphinx : a kind of cat with no fur., poodle : a kind of dog with short, …

EMS Pharmacology Paramedic Word Scramble Puzzle

EMS Pharmacology Paramedic

Health & Fitness

etomidate: short acting hypnotic that produces rapid sedation with minimal cardiovascular or respiratory depression, diphenhydramine: contraindications include …

Livestock Terms Word Scramble Puzzle

Livestock Terms


buck : a male sheep or goat, veal : meat from young cattle, steer : cattle used for food production, open : refers to a non-pregnant female, castrate : to …

Prairie Dog Facts Word Scramble Puzzle

Prairie Dog Facts


tunnels: these paths are 4-5 inches wide, predators: coyotes, snakes, foxes, eagles, badgers, bobcats, hawks, weasels, south: 50% of prairie dogs live in …

Turtle Word Scramble Puzzle



green : name of turtle species named after a color, hawksbill : name of turtle species with a bird species in its name , bycatch : turtles also face accidental …

Elephants Word Scramble Puzzle



seventy: an elephant can live for up to ________ years, ears: you can tell the species of elephant by looking at their _______?, ivory: what an elephants tusk …

Bear Smart Word Scramble Puzzle

Bear Smart


torpor: winter survival strategy, berries: important fall food, garbage: common bear attractant, sow: term for female bear, paddington: famous bear from darkest …

Ocean Habitat Word Scramble Puzzle

Ocean Habitat


ocean : large body of water, seaweed : edible marine plants , turtle : hard shell reptile, cold : water temp at the bottom, shark : scary fish with teeth, fish …