Finance Crossword Puzzles
Economic Systems
unplanned : which economic system is controlled by the price mechanism?, communist : ____________ economy is another name for planned economy, disadvantage : …
Economics Concepts
wage: payment workers receive, currency: paper money and coins, incentive: a benefit offered, consumer: person who buys goods and services, demand: desire to …
Audit Package
index: this paper lists all required work papers for all audits with an *, audit summary: a detailed overview of audit procedures and results, closing letter: …
Insurance Terms
premium : an amount to be paid for a contract of insurance., insurer : person or company that underwrites an insurance risk., exclusions:provisions in an …
Inflation - Key Areas
demand : a cause of inflation when we want more goods; .........pull inflation , fall : inflation causes the value of money to........ , saving : this becomes …
Profit and Loss
sales revenue : price per unit x units sold, cos : (acronym)opening stock + purchases – closing stock, gross profit : sales revenue - cost of sales , …
Money Vocabulary
currency: a system of money used in a particular country, pounds: the unit of currency used in the uk, pence: one hundred of these make a pound, decimal: a …
Insurance Terminology
deductible: what comes out of your own pocket before your insurance starts paying, coinsurance: a percentage of your healthcare bill you will pay that your …
Economic System
marketplace : marketplace is a convenient destination on facebook to discover, buy and sell items with people in your community., wants : the idea of want can …
Financial Literacy Basics
priority : a value or goal that is given more importance than other values and goals, need : necessities a person must have to survive, service : intangible …
Financial Literacy
report: in order to assess the opportunity we first had to write a..., third: when writing reports it is important to write in ... person, usa: in what country …
Tax Vocabulary
audit: conduct an official financial examination of an individual's or organization's accounts, tax: ____ withholding is the amount of an employee's pay …
Audit Review
collateral : we cannot process a change to the account ownership when there is the existence of a ______ loan., history : when preforming a withdrawal audit and …
Money Verbs and Adjectives
wallet: a small folding case for carrying paper money, credit cards, lend: to give something to someone for a short period of time, expecting it to be given …
Insurance Jargon & Terms
deductible : an upfront amount that you will have to pay for healthcare services before your medical insurance begins to pay., claimant : a person making a …
Economics / Finance
income: a flow of money. e.g. wages, interest and profits, wealth: a stock concept. e.g. owning property and savings, currency: the system of money used in a …