MicroEconomics Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: monopolistic: _ competition : market structure characterized by a large number of buyers and sellers of products that are similar but can be referenced by brand names, factor market: households give productive resources to this to give businesses resources. businesses give wages through this to households, demand: quantity a consumer is willing and able to purchase at a price, monopoly: market structure characterized by only one seller of a product dominating the market, households: this gives productive resources to the factor market, while giving expenditures to the product market, pure: _ competition : market structure characterized by a large number of buyers and sellers of an identical product, product market: households give expenditures to this to give revenue to businesses. goods and services go in as products for households, supply: quantity a seller is willing and able to sell at a price, businesses: gives goods and services to product markets and gives wages to the factor market, partnership: two or more owners, unlimited liability, limited lifespan, owners make decisions, single taxation, oligopoly: market structure characterized by only a few sellers of a product who dominate the market, law of demand: as the price of a good rises the quantity of the good consumers are willing and able to buy will decrease, law of supply: as price rises the quantity a seller is willing and able to sell will increase, corporation: owner is determined by stockholders, limited liability, unlimited lifespan, double taxation.