Probability & Sampling Crossword Puzzle

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Probability & Sampling Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: stratified: a sampling method that ensures each pre-determined group is represented, zero: a probability must be greater than or equal this value , probability: the mean of a discrete distribution is the sum of each value times its _ , non random: the general group of sampling methods that do not generate a representative sample, sample space: the set of all outcomes of a probability event (2 words), money ball: 2011 movie showing the use of statistics in developing a baseball roster, one: a probability must be less than or equal to this value, alpha: the greek letter used to represent the level of significance, multistage: a sampling technique that uses a combination of random sampling methods, weighted average: another name for the mean when each value accounts for a different probability (2 words), unusual: events that occur less than 5% of the time are sometimes referred to this, histogram: a graph used to display the distribution of a quantitative variable, contingency: the type of table used to display 2 quantitative variables