Educational Crossword Puzzles

A collection of educational crossword puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made puzzles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 22-42 of 185 records

Math Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

Math Vocabulary


Crossword puzzles based on the terms used in mathematics and solving equations.

6th Grade Science Word Scramble Puzzle

6th Grade Science


topography: the shape of the land, elevation: the height above sea level, on the earth’s surface, relief: the difference in elevation between the highest and …

After-School Clubs Word Scramble Puzzle

After-School Clubs


drama: students can practice acting and perform in plays. it's a useful club for those who want to be actors or want to gain more confidence., chess: students …

9th Grade Vocab Word Scramble Puzzle

9th Grade Vocab


absolve: verb. to set or declare someone free from blame, guilt, or responsibility , dilemma: noun. a difficult situation or problem, perception: noun. a way of …

Pharmacology Word Scramble Puzzle



prescription: a script written from a doctor for a patient. , pathopharmacology: the study of disease and drugs., toxicology: the study of chemicals and …

Energy Word Scramble Puzzle



height : velocity squared over 2 x gravitational field strength, efficiency : useful output energy / total input, energy : power x time, watts : the measurement …

Math Terms - Geometry Word Scramble Puzzle

Math Terms - Geometry


right : triangle with one right angle, obtuse : an angle that measures more than 90 degrees and less than 180, vertex : the point where two sides of an angle or …

Verbs Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

Verbs Vocabulary


verb phrase: a phrase made up of one or more helping verbs and a main verb., irregular verb: a word that does not form its past tense by adding the most common …

Algebra Word Scramble Puzzle



x coordinate: the first number in an ordered pair, y coordinate: the second number in an ordered pair, negative numbers: numbers less than zero, x axis : the …

Software Engineering Word Scramble Puzzle

Software Engineering


analysis : an important part of a software development cycle, initial stage, string : a sequence of characters, encryption : a method for securely storing …

Polynomial Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

Polynomial Vocabulary


distributive: _____________ property allows you to multiply a number by a sum or difference of numbers by multiplying each number individually and then adding …

Language Features Word Scramble Puzzle

Language Features


verb : a doing word, adjective : a describing word, adverb : describes a verb , onomatopoeia : words which imitate the sound, personification: giving objects …

CLOSURE: Polygon Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

CLOSURE: Polygon Vocabulary


quadrilateral: polygon with 4 sides, triangle: polygon with 3 sides, hexagon: polygon with 6 sides, regular: describes a perfect polygon- both equiangular and …

Slope Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

Slope Vocabulary


rise run : used to find slope, positive : numbers can be negative and, point : exact position or location on a plane surface, coordinates : plotting points, …

Four Operations Math Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

Four Operations Math Vocabulary


quotient : the answer to a division problems, multiple: what we get after multiplying a number, sum : the result of adding numbers, addition : the act of adding …

Coordinate Geometry Word Scramble Puzzle

Coordinate Geometry


In geometry, a coordinate system is a system that uses one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of the points.

Social Studies Word Scramble Puzzle

Social Studies


places: a point in space or a position , exploration: the act of exploring , mapping: process of making a map , ethnic group: group of people who have the same …

Study Habits Word Scramble Puzzle

Study Habits


cramming : study little by little ahead of time instead of ______ everything in one day, notetaking : taking notes during class., focus : get rid of …

Pi Day Word Scramble Puzzle

Pi Day


torn curtain: the film directed by alfred hitchcock that uses pi as a code, pilish: the language made of up of pi, irrational: the type of number pi is, thomas …

Programming Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle

Programming Vocabulary


statements : individual complete thoughts, syntax : set of rules which govern the structure and composition of statements, variable : representation of a value …

Reading Comprehension Word Scramble Puzzle

Reading Comprehension


visualization : what representation of activation for stories does the discussion help focus on?, expert : you be the ___?, background : when you are making …