Science Crossword Puzzles

A collection of science crossword puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made puzzles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 211-231 of 493 records

Physics - 4 Word Scramble Puzzle

Physics - 4


distance: the length of the path traveled by a body., inertia: the effect mas has on an objects motion., mass: the amount of matter in an object., lubricant: …

Bioprocess Word Scramble Puzzle



staph golden: which type of bacteria also named as “staphylococcus aureus", precipitation: a type of process involved to produce crystalline potassium …

Polymers Word Scramble Puzzle



thermoforming: a plastic that can be heated and reheated, plastic memory: the ability of a thermoform to remember its previous shape, thermoset: a plastic that …

Reaching for the Stars Word Scramble Puzzle

Reaching for the Stars


glove: a 'shoe' for a hand, abbrevation: 'led' ist an ... for 'light emitting diode', outside: the opposite of inside, microphone: a device that records sound, …

Biology #1 Word Scramble Puzzle

Biology #1


omnivore : living organism that eats meat and plants, nucleus : what houses the dna, glucose : another word for sugar (c6 h12 o6), chlorophyll : the green …

Physics Key Terms Word Scramble Puzzle

Physics Key Terms


conductor: a material which allows charge to move through it easily , energy: the capacity for doing work , insulator: material that does not allow charge or …

Light Revision Word Scramble Puzzle

Light Revision


refraction : light changes direction, reflection : light bounces off a surface, plane : flat, translucent : a material that allows some light through but some …

Heredity and Reproductions Word Scramble Puzzle

Heredity and Reproductions


behavior : the way an organism reacts to other organisms or to environment., innate behavior : a behavior that is inherited e.g. spider building a web, tadpoles …

Cyberspace Word Scramble Puzzle



spyware: captures information about a machine and transmits it to another source., cryptography: the study of encrypting and decrypting data to prevent …

Language & the Brain Word Scramble Puzzle

Language & the Brain


dichotic : ___________ listening technique where right ears processes sound in the left brain and vice versa, spoonerism : slip of the tongue that causes …

Lab Equipments Word Scramble Puzzle

Lab Equipments


Solve this crossword related to the laboratory terms and lab apparatus.

Know your Solar System Word Scramble Puzzle

Know your Solar System


comet: icy body of frozen gasses, rocks and dust leftover from the formation of the solar system, asteroid: minor planet, hydrogen: the most abundant elements …

Science Apparatus Word Scramble Puzzle

Science Apparatus


beaker: its an object that holds to chemicals , pipette: it is an object used for heating and sterilizing, funnel: it helps pour liquid and powder into lab …

Fossil Evidence of Evolution Word Scramble Puzzle

Fossil Evidence of Evolution


trace fossil : a type of fossil that provides evidence of the activities of ancient organisms, cast : a solid copy of the shape of an organism, gts : calendar …

Science and Experiments Word Scramble Puzzle

Science and Experiments


body: the whole of a person, plant, or animal, convert: to change something into another form, distinct: separate, erosion: a gradual wearing away, formula: a …

Animal Cell Word Scramble Puzzle

Animal Cell


chromatin: loose strands of dna , nucleolus: cheap copies, nuclear membrane: movement , vacuole: storage, ribosome: production, cell membrane: enter and exit, …

Einsteins Life Word Scramble Puzzle

Einstein's Life


mileva: einstein's first wife, switzerland: the place where einstein continued school from, relativity: the theory einstein is most known for, talmud: …

Chemistry - Atoms, Elements and Compounds Word Scramble Puzzle

Chemistry - Atoms, Elements and Compounds


right : non-metals are found on which side of the period table?, alkali : very reactive metals are known as _______ metals, nucleus : found at the centre of an …

Outer Space Terms Word Scramble Puzzle

Outer Space Terms


natural satellite: the moon, solar system: made up of 8 planets orbiting around the sun, iss: aka international space station, galaxy: made up of stars and …

Understanding Light Word Scramble Puzzle

Understanding Light


prism : when sunlight passes through a _________, it bends., refraction : the bending of light when it passes from one material to another., aristotle : a …

Heating and Cooling Curves Word Scramble Puzzle

Heating and Cooling Curves


boiling point : this is a temperature where the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the atmospheric pressure., freezing : this is the process of matter changing …