Religion & Belief Crossword Puzzles
Mythical Beasts
feathers: penguins have their bodies covered in ____________., huge: bigfoot is a _______________ (very big) creature., tail: mermaids look like women but with …
Faith and Facts
integrity : valuing truth, religion : worship of god, truth : not false , honor : having character, faith : to believe, christian : follower of christ, honesty …
Bible Trivia
nazareth : mary was living in this city when an angel visited her, artaxerxes : nehemiah served persian king ______, levi : like moses, korah belonged to which …
golden rule : treat others how you want to be treated, eden : where adam and eve were exiled from, good friday : when jesus died for our sins, judas : he …
trinity : the father, son and holy spirit, jesus : god incarnated in human form, omnipotent : all powerful, omniscient : all knowing, apostles creed: a …
Life & Death
quality : ___________ of life, the extent to which life is pleasurable and meaningful, eve : who was created from adam's rib?, adam : who was created from the …
Christian Practices
baptism: a sacrament, accepted by all christians, rings: exchanged at a wedding, eternal love, vows: promises, sacrament: outward sign of inward faith, taize: …
Gods of Egypt
osiris: god of the dead and rebirth, set: god of disorder and storms, isis: the divine mother of the pharaoh, horus: god of kingship and the sky, ra: god of the …
Norse Gods
equate: make equal to, supreme: prominent, major, powerful, agriculture: the job of a farmer, venus: roman goddess of beauty and love, saturn: a planet with …
Nature of God
scripture : god is revealed to christians through this, ten commandments : god's law given to moses., torah : first five books of the hebrew bible, namely the …
Christian Beliefs
passion: the final days of jesus' life., fundamentalist: type of christian who reads the bible 100% literally., eucharist: ceremony of eating bread and wine, …
Holy Week
palm sunday: what is the first day of holy week?, crucifixtion: how was jesus killed?, lent: what fasting period follows holy week?, judas: who betrayed jesus?, …
Buddhism Basics
samsara : the sanskrit word for the cycle of death and rebirth, or reincarnation, meditation : “right concentration;” one of the practices of the eightfold …
Bible Characters
david : second king of israel, ruth : david’s great grandmother, paul : formerly known as saul, bathsheba : king solomon’s mother, enoch : walked with god …
Jesus Cares for His Sheep
spirit : who made the elders overseers of the church, blood : jesus obtained the church with his own _______ , build : the word of god's grace is able to ______ …
Key Beliefs and Rituals - Abrahamic Religions
rite: what letter does the 'r' in rcia stand for?, torah: what holy text does the jewish religion use?, mohel: what is the person who circumcises a baby boy …
The Peace of Christ Abolishes Enmity
spirit : compromised by contention , meekness : a way to approach disagreements, satan : father of contention, shun : how to approach contention, offended : …
God Created People
gods: whose image were males and females created? (gen.1:27), sixth day: what day did god create people? (gen. 1:26-31), dust of ground: what did god use to …
Genesis Chapter One
void: empty, without life, season: a specific time of the year, associated with temperature changes, god: the one who created everything, night: the time after …
Christian Practices and Ceremonies
believers: the type of baptism which happens when a person is over 12, eucharist: another word for holy communion , consecration: the making holy of something …
Abrahamic Religions
candle: often used at baptisms as sign of light of christ, monotheism : belief in one god , jews: people who follow judaism, church: house of god, building used …