Religion & Belief Crossword Puzzles

A collection of religion belief crossword puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made puzzles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 43-63 of 120 records

Genesis 18-23 Word Scramble Puzzle

Genesis 18-23

Religion & Belief

barren: sarah was ________; she had no child. genesis 11;30, ishmael: abraham son with sarah's maid. genesis 16;16, sarah: who is the mother of nations? genesis …

Prophets of the Bible Word Scramble Puzzle

Prophets of the Bible

Religion & Belief

nehemiah: cup bearer for king artaxerxes, moses: led israel for forty years, man of god: listened to the old prophets lies, malachi: wrote the last book of the …

Jesus Disciples Word Scramble Puzzle

Jesus' Disciples

Religion & Belief

philip: told bartholomew about jesus, thomas: known for questioning jesus' resurrection, peter: andrew's brother, john: a son of zebedee, andrew: was a disciple …

JESUS CHRIST Word Scramble Puzzle


Religion & Belief

lamb: "behold, the ______ of god, who takes away the sins of the world!", word: "in the beginning was the ______, and the ______ was with god, …

Biblical Truths Volume 1 Word Scramble Puzzle

Biblical Truths Volume 1

Religion & Belief

old: 39 books, new: 27 books, canon: measuring stick, also list of all books in the bible, bible: this book tells us what is true about god's nature, worldview: …

Birth of Jesus Word Scramble Puzzle

Birth of Jesus

Religion & Belief

joseph: the name of jesus's father?, bethlehem: what city was jesus born in?, virgin: what was special about jesus's mother?, dream: how were the family warned …

Pauls Missionary Journeys Word Scramble Puzzle

Paul's Missionary Journeys

Religion & Belief

dying : what does perishing mean?, walk : how did paul travel on land?, foolishness : means "nonsense" in i cor. 1, silas : who went with paul on his …

Bible Quiz Word Scramble Puzzle

Bible Quiz

Religion & Belief

three : an odd number, god: creator of the universe, gospel: jesus died for your sins, angel: messenger, star : a shining thing in sky, samuel: the boy prophet, …

Judaism Word Scramble Puzzle


Religion & Belief

sinai: what mountain were the 10 commandments found on?, torah: the sacred holy text, genocide: the act of killing large numbers of people with the intent of …

Bible Review - Lessons 1-10 Word Scramble Puzzle

Bible Review - Lessons 1-10

Religion & Belief

beginning: god has no _____., nothing: god used these materials to create the universe., master: god is our lord and ________. he owns us and has the right to …

Heaven or Hell Word Scramble Puzzle

Heaven or Hell

Religion & Belief

hell: where we spend eternity if we reject jesus, heaven: where we live forever with god for accepting his son, satan: the name of god's enemy who wants to do …

The Spirit of Independence Word Scramble Puzzle

The Spirit of Independence

Religion & Belief

repeal: cancel, patriots: american colonists who wanted american independence, loyalists: american colonists who remained loyal to britain and were against …

Paul the Apostle Theology Word Scramble Puzzle

Paul the Apostle Theology

Religion & Belief

letters : paul's correspondence to guide the early church, jesus : paul has a lot to say but his main point is always whom, theology : the study of the nature …

Greek Gods & Goddesses Word Scramble Puzzle

Greek Gods & Goddesses

Religion & Belief

eris : goddess of discord, the sister of the god of war, zeus : the rain-god and the cloud-gatherer, who wielded the awful thunderbolt, hephaestus : the god of …

Genesis Word Scramble Puzzle


Religion & Belief

twice : how many times did an angel appear to hagar?, potiphar : what egyptian captain is joseph sold to?, fourteen : how many years in total does jacob work …

Hinduism and Buddhism Word Scramble Puzzle

Hinduism and Buddhism

Religion & Belief

dharma : teachings of the buddha, polytheistic : having a belief in more than one god, vedas : holy books of hinduism, karma : the energy you give out, is the …

Know Your Faith Word Scramble Puzzle

Know Your Faith

Religion & Belief

confirmation: sacrament that seals someone with the holy spirit, baptism: sacrament that frees us from original sin, courage: fortitude, good: virtuous, rosary: …

Catholic Traditions Word Scramble Puzzle

Catholic Traditions

Religion & Belief

triduum: holy thursday, good friday, and the easter vigil., ordinary time: divided into two sections, wherein the faithful consider the fullness of jesus' …

God Promises Blessings for Obedience Word Scramble Puzzle

God Promises Blessings for Obedience

Religion & Belief

commandments: keep all the _________which i give you (v.8), possess: be strong and go in to _________ the land (v.8), milk: a land that flows with ______ and …

John the Baptist Word Scramble Puzzle

John the Baptist

Religion & Belief

children : the holy spirit’s baptism identities us as god’s ___, jesus : he was baptized by john, water : john baptized with this., messiah : jesus was the …

Wise Men visit Jesus Word Scramble Puzzle

Wise Men visit Jesus

Religion & Belief

star : what did god put in sky for the wise men to know jesus was born?, gold : what was one of the gifts the wise men gave jesus? (matt. 2:11), frankincense : …