Religion & Belief Crossword Puzzles
Noah's Ark
animals : noah put these in the ark by 2's, ararat : ark rested on this mountain, ark : noah put animals in this, door : how animals and people entered the ark, …
Christianity and Creation
god: who created the heaven and earth?, light: how did god name the day? , sky: what was god's creation for the second day?, good: how did god describe his …
Bible Challenge
malachi: what is name of the last book in the old testament?, faith: what is the "assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of …
forward : advent is a time to look _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ready : advent is about getting _ _ _ _ _ for christ's arrival , jesus : who do we get ready for during …
The Bible - God's Word
gospels: matthew, mark, luke and john, old: the first testament, thirtynine: number of books in the old testament, torah: the first five books, relevation: …
titans: they were overthrown by zeus and his brethren, liver: what prometheus lost and regrew every day, hera: zeus's wife, cyclops: one eyed creatures, odin: …
immutable : unchanging, holy : without sin, eternal : without beginning or end, immortal : never dying, omnipresent : everywhere, omniscient : all-knowing, …
Beliefs about God
omnipotent : the belief that god is all powerful and can do anything. , omnibenevolent : the belief that god is all loving and good. , omniscient : the belief …
Moral Code of Hinduism
the four principles : karma, dharma, samsara, moksha , cow: sacred animal in hinduism, karma: if you do good, good will come your way. , samsara :the cycle of …
Basic Truth: Faith
mercy : not giving us what our sins deserve., repent : turning from sin and to jesus, just : god’s decisions are always right and perfect., grace : god’s …
Religion and Life
evolution : the scientific process that some liberal christians believe god used to create animals, universe : all of time and space, from the smallest particle …
apocalyptic: material found in matthew describing the end of time and the judgment of those on earth, matthew: first gospel writer in order of books , passion: …
Roman Catholic Church
inquisition: also referred to as the "holy inquisition", was a group of institutions within the catholic church whose aim was to combat heresy, …
God Provided Isaac
obedient: abraham was _________ to god's commands. , abraham: who is isaac's father?, angel: what appeared to abraham before he sacrificed his son?, isaac: who …
God's Warning to Seven Churches
john: who wrote the letters to the seven churches?, ephesus: what church warned about falling away from first love?, smyrna: what church will go through …
Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
god as one : the teaching that there is only one god, monotheistic : belief that there in only one god, shema : an important jewish prayer expressing the belief …
Jewish Beliefs
covenant: agreement made between humans and god, creation: the making of the world from nothing , kosher: proper or lawful for jews, kashrut: jewish dietary …
Greek Mythology Love Stories
adonis: aphrodite fell for this beautiful mortal, only one of two, psyche: bewitching woman, husband of aphrodite's son, name means "soul", eros: son …
Superstitions Around The World
purse : it's bad luck to drop your ____ or wallet in brazil., tuesday : it's bad luck to get a hairbut on __________ in india., water: it's bad luck to cheers …
Buddhist Meditation
bodhi: what type of tree did the buddha meditate under?, enlightenment: what did the buddha achieve through meditating?, posture: sitting up straight is an …
Pain and Sufferings - A Biblical View
tribulation : john 16-33 in this world you will have ___, rejoice : habakkuk 3-18 i will ___ in the god of my salvation, joy : james 1-21 count it all ___ when …