Business & Industrial Crossword Puzzles
Roof Construction Terminology
eaves: the lowest overhanging part of a sloping roof., gable: the triangular part of the end wall of the building with a slopping roof., verge: the edge of a …
Business Terminology
business: an organization which sells goods or services for a profit, capital: the money initially invested in a business, company: a form of business which …
Business Organization
capital :the money used to start or expand a business., proprietorship.: a business owned by one person, profit : the money left after all expenses are paid i, …
Factors of Production
interest : income earned by owners of capital, capital : all man-made goods used in production, land : all natural resources in production, profit : the …
Warehousing and Storage
employee : someone who is paid to work, ppe : personal protective equipment, hse : health and safety executive, procedure : a way of doing something, first aid …
Business and Economics
producer : someone who makes or grows something to sell, goods : objects made or grown, economy: a system of trading, buying and selling goods and services, …
Industrial Technology
oil : this helped with the petroleum refining industry., technology : is the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of …
Agribusiness Management
organization: this type of structure is system used to define a hierarchy within an organization; it identifies each job, its function and where it reports to …
henry ford : full name of man who created the model t builder, walt : first name of the man who created disney, edison : he invented the phonograph, oprah : …
Fair Trade
difference : choosing to buy fair trade items makes a big ____________ to farmers, growing: framers earn money by ________________ food and produce to sell, …
Supply Chain Managment
assembly : the process of putting it all together to create a finished product, logistics : __________ manager - individual responsible for overseeing …
Executive Functioning Skills and Behaviours
planning: the ability to create a roadmap to reach a goal or complete a task. , working memory: the mental memory processes that allow us to hold information in …
Safety & Risk Management
circuit overload: when you use more electricity than your circuit is made for, overhead power lines: used in electric power transmission and distribution to …
Supply Chain
distributor : a person or organization that supplies goods to retailers, chain : a sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of a …
pack : ______shot - another term for product image, thirds : rule of__________, formation : adverts often follow the l___________________, beauty : a type of …
Creative Thinking and Problem Solving
sustainable : to run a business in such a way that it can exist for a long time, delphi : receive information from experts, problem : the purchasing manager …
Patterns of Organization
solution: a method or process to deal with a problem, spatial: organizing information according to location or geography, chronological: a progression of time, …
Business Banking
clover: products that offer merchants all in one solutions that combine flexible payment processing options with business management tools, llc: managing …
Barriers to Communications
attitude: when a worker is abrupt due to time limits, not having enough resources or their mood, the person they are speaking to may feel intimidated or …