Books Crossword Puzzles
The Hound of the Baskervilles - Chapter 4
explain : to make clear and understandable, empty : opposite of full, blood : the red fluid that flows through the heart throughout the body, incognito : with …
WINTER - The Lunar Chronicles
queen: a woman who rules a country or kingdom., lunar: another name for the moon., cress: a character in the story loosely based on rapunzel., winter: a fluffy …
stories : scheherazade tells these., gloom : the castle of _________________, francis : this boy loves computer games., words : scarecrow kept these in boxes., …
The Merry Wives of Windsor
berkshire : where is windsor located?, letters : through what method did falstaff contact the women?, falstaff : who is the character that is in financial …
Two Old Men and a Baby
evert : who accidentally stole the baby?, bathroom : what room of the school was the baby stolen from?, baby jesus : who was the baby playing in the school …
Magician's Nephew
constellation : a group of stars , horizon : where the sky meets the land, shaggy : long fur on an animal, hymn : what the cabby wanted to sing, decide : to …
The Hound of the Baskervilles - Chapter 5
gallery : where many paintings are exhibited , portrait : a representation of the face of a person, road : a street, wait : to remain in a place, frighten : to …
The Million Dollar Race
finals : what did jay and grant make it to, california : where was the million dollar race, jay : the main character's friend, grantsylvania : the name of the …
Language Paper Structural Terms
circular : a idea from the beginning is returned to at the end, juxtaposition: a more academic word for comparing , omniscient: an all-knowing narrator, …
The Tempest Revision
ferdinand : king alonso's son, prince of naples., miranda : prospero's daughter, caring, emotional, and naive at times., tempest: the titular storm in the …
The Novel
novel : long prose of narrative that typically describes fictional characters and the sequential events that happen to these characters., genre : a distinctive …
transmit: to send or give out, teach: to show or explain how to do something, react: to respond to, enrich: to improve or enhance the quality or value of …
Shoeshine Girl
kicker: offered a job at the shoeshine corner, al: he was hit by a car, grand: avenue where the pets store was located , bulla: the author's last name, rossi: …
Lawrence Branch Window Display
autobiography: an account of a person's life written by that person, print: the text appearing in a book, newspaper or other printed publication, reference: …
We All Fall Down - Chapter 6
subsequent : the state of following something, especially as a result or effect, grimly : in a very serious, gloomy, or depressing manner, irrational : not …
Fiction and Reality
the last leaf : the name of the story made by o.henry, a piece of wood: the name of the story made by ray bradbury, pneumonia: disease that affects the alveoli …
contagious: easily spread by direct or indirect contact, absentminded: lost in thought and to forget what one is doing, lather: a thick foam formed by soap and …
Language and Structure
cyclical: when the beginning of a story links to the end , personification: human like qualities to an inanimate object , foreboding: hinting at something …
Figurative Language and More
hyperbole: over exaggeration of a statement, synonyms: words that mean the same thing, alliteration: the occurrence of the same letter or sound, antonym: words …
Papa's Parrot
Cynthia Rylant's "Papa's Parrot," published in 1985 in the short story collection Every Living Thing, is a simple narrative with a powerful message.
The Dinosaur Encounter
edmontosaurus: a herbivore dinosaur native to canada., albertosaurus: a carnivore dinosaur native to canada., herbivore: animal that eats only vegetation., …