Crossword Puzzles
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Language and Structure
cyclical: when the beginning of a story links to the end , personification: human like qualities to an inanimate object , foreboding: hinting at something …
Figurative Language and More
hyperbole: over exaggeration of a statement, synonyms: words that mean the same thing, alliteration: the occurrence of the same letter or sound, antonym: words …
Papa's Parrot
Cynthia Rylant's "Papa's Parrot," published in 1985 in the short story collection Every Living Thing, is a simple narrative with a powerful message.
The Dinosaur Encounter
edmontosaurus: a herbivore dinosaur native to canada., albertosaurus: a carnivore dinosaur native to canada., herbivore: animal that eats only vegetation., …
The Crucible
pallor: paleness, quail: cring from, abomination: something causing great horror or disgust, theology: the study of religion, blasphemy: sinful act or remark, …
Creative and Imaginative Play
roleplay : a type of play involving acting out or performing, observation : the act of watching or monitoring something, choice : a range of different things …
Book Series
wings : _____ of fire, power : zac, keeper : ______ of the lost cities, potter : harry ______, chocolate : charlie and the _________ factory, treehouse : the …
Poetry Terms Practice
hyperbole : the greatest exaggeration in the history of literature., stanza : the grouping of lines in a poem between breaks., allusion : the referencing of …
The Case of Windy Lake
reserve : land set aside by the federal government for a first nation, compound : a group of enclosed buildings, bombardier : a cross between a van and a …
Origins and Meaning Keywords
creationexnihilo: the idea that god created the world from nothing. st augustine put this idea forward in his book ‘the confessions’., omnipotent: the …
Excretory Systems
urethra : duct through which urine is expelled to the outside., excretory : system that eliminate waste from the body, ureters : ducts that connects kidneys and …
Wetlands: Conservation and Management
wetland : area which has hydric and anerobic soil and supports a plant community which is adapted to living in these soils, hydric : permanently or seasonally …
Water and Mass Movement Erosion
gravity : responsible for erosion of flowing water and glaciers., sediment : small pieces of matter produced by weathering., glacier : a large accumulation of …
Illness Vocabulary
sorethroat : you feel it when you drink cold things, hospital : you go to this place when you don't feel good., rash : you have red spots on your skin, cough : …
Sydney - Australia
zoo : a place where you can see enclosures, park : a place where you can do rollerblading, australians : the nationality of people of australia, sydney : the …
The Science of Teaching and Learning
positive : in order to create a welcoming classroom, make sure to have a ________ relationship with the student., plan : in order to create a safe environment …
Eastern Seaboard States
augusta : capital of maine., delaware : state known as the first state, new hampshire : state whose known as the granite state., albany : capital of new york., …
Diseases & Conditions
alzheimer : of the brain, asthma : affects the airways, conjunctivitis : inflammation of eye membrane, depression : little joy or pleasure, diabetes : high …
Celestial Bodies
astronomy: the law or science of celestial bodies, stars: composed of hot gases that radiate energy, planets: bodies that revolve around the sun within their …
National Lab Week
laboratory : a place equipped to analyze and test patient specimens, inspection : a "check" against established standards, histology : microscopic …