People and Society Crossword Puzzles

A collection of people and society crossword puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made puzzles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 211-231 of 239 records

Chekhov Technique Word Scramble Puzzle

Chekhov Technique

People & Society

creative state: a state of invoking your own inspiration, stanislavski: chekhov's original acting instructor, radiating: the energy exchange between characters, …

French Neoclassicism Word Scramble Puzzle

French Neoclassicism

People & Society

descartes : i think therefore i am, french philosopher, unities : action, time, place , mimesis : aristotle's compact of imitation, verisimilitude : the …

American Documents and Speeches Word Scramble Puzzle

American Documents and Speeches

People & Society

independence : freedom from control, dissolve : to break up; end, impel : to force, endowed : given from birth, unalienable : not able to be given or taken …

Express Yourself Word Scramble Puzzle

Express Yourself

People & Society

edict : an order given by someone with power from the government, inscription : when you make a forever mark with words on something, graphic : something that …

Social Influence Word Scramble Puzzle

Social Influence

People & Society

conformity: a change in our opinions or behaviour to fit in with social norms, social: ________ influence is the effect other people have on our opinions and …

The Equal Rights Movement Word Scramble Puzzle

The Equal Rights Movement

People & Society

era : stands for equal rights amendment, the acronym for the unratified amendment for the same legal rights for all genders, congress : another name for the us …

Peoples Character Word Scramble Puzzle

People's Character

People & Society

determined: having a strong desire to do something and not letting anything stop you, keen: very interested to do something, humble: not proud or not thinking …

Key Words in Pyschology Word Scramble Puzzle

Key Words in Pyschology

People & Society

hypothesis: a statement predicting what research will show before it is carried out. , independent : something the researcher changes or manipulates. , …

Who Was Bruce Lee? Word Scramble Puzzle

Who Was Bruce Lee?

People & Society

discarded : something is gotten rid of, reinforce : to make a feeling or idea stronger, aggressive : angry, ready to attack, opponent : a person you are …

The Front Page of a Newspaper Word Scramble Puzzle

The Front Page of a Newspaper

People & Society

byline : a line at the beginning or end of a piece of writing that gives the writer's name , headline : the title of the story that grabs the reader's …

Newborn & Infant Word Scramble Puzzle

Newborn & Infant

People & Society

neonate: period of time ranging from birth to 28 days of life, infancy: period of time ranging from 29 days of life to 1 year of age , erikson: psychosocial …

Positive View of Personal Future Word Scramble Puzzle

Positive View of Personal Future

People & Society

future: at a later time; going or likely to happen or exist, positive: constructive, optimistic, or confident, view: a particular way of considering or …

Classical Civilizations Word Scramble Puzzle

Classical Civilizations

People & Society

sumerians: established civilizations in mesopotamia, minoans: established civilizations near the mediterranean sea, kush kingdoms: around 500 bce, these grew in …

African Americans Word Scramble Puzzle

African Americans

People & Society

slavery: african americans struggled in the beginning of their migration to the u.s. they were deprived of physical, psychological, and social well-being unless …

Confederation Word Scramble Puzzle


People & Society

deadlock: political ________ is when the political parties weren't able to decide on anything, lumber: what was new brunswick's most valuable resource?, thomas …

Literary Criticism Word Scramble Puzzle

Literary Criticism

People & Society

praxis : methodology, dictates that theoretical ideas can be judged to have value only in terms of their concrete applications., patriotism : an ideology that …

Will Smith Word Scramble Puzzle

Will Smith

People & Society

smith: last name, philadelphia: where he lived, mom-mom: what he called his mum, daddio: what he called his dad, rap: what he did when he was younger, harry: …

Teenage Talk Word Scramble Puzzle

Teenage Talk

People & Society

activity: the things you do. your weekend ....., chilling: when you are at home and do nothing, you are ...., shopping: the activity when you buy something …

Facts on Machiavelli Word Scramble Puzzle

Facts on Machiavelli

People & Society

prince : the ideal leader that machiavelli speaks of in his well known work., feared : how machiavelli believed a prince should be viewed, contrary to being …

Populations and Evolution Word Scramble Puzzle

Populations and Evolution

People & Society

disruptive : this form of selection favours extreme phenotypes at the expense of intermediate phenotypes , stabilising : this form of selection eliminates …

Sociology Research Word Scramble Puzzle

Sociology Research

People & Society

ethnography: observing a complete social setting and all that it entails , experiment: the testing of a hypothesis under controlled conditions , samples: small …