Science Crossword Puzzles

A collection of science crossword puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made puzzles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 64-84 of 510 records

Body Parts Word Scramble Puzzle

Body Parts


head: it is the top part of your body., nose: i can smell with it., leg: i can hop with one of them., arm: i wave it when i say "hi" and …

Light Interactions Word Scramble Puzzle

Light Interactions


reflection: the bouncing of light or other waves off a surface., opaque: the quality a material has when light cannot move through it., refraction: the bending …

Organic Compounds Word Scramble Puzzle

Organic Compounds


oil : example of an organic compound, carbohydrate : composed of one or more simple sugars bonded together, simple : glucose is this type of carbohydrate, …

Cell Transport Word Scramble Puzzle

Cell Transport


homeostasis: maintaining internal balance and sameness, facilitated: the movement of molecules across a membrane from high to low concentration with the help of …

Chemical vs Physical Changes Word Scramble Puzzle

Chemical vs Physical Changes


proportional : extensive property is directly ______ to the amount of matter, nonmetals : elements that don't conduct well, physical : change in which no new …

Our Mysterious Universe Word Scramble Puzzle

Our Mysterious Universe


unpredictable: something you cannot predict or guess, accumulated: gained or acquired in a number, hypothesis: a guess, an explanation, or an inference, theory: …

Blood Word Scramble Puzzle



phenotype: expression of a specific trait of an organism, plasma: fluid of the blood where red blood cells are suspended, genotype: genetic makeup of an …

Ancestry DNA Word Scramble Puzzle

Ancestry DNA


saliva : the sample collected from an individual to obtain their genetic information, autosomal : type of dna that contains genetic information from both …

Chemical Elements Word Scramble Puzzle

Chemical Elements


silver : a shiny white metal often used in jewelry and currency., lead : a heavy metal with the chemical symbol pb, used in batteries and as a shield against …

Science Biology Word Scramble Puzzle

Science Biology


cells: the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, plasmolysis: as more water leaves the cell, the cytoplasm start to go away the cell wall. , …

Invasive Species Word Scramble Puzzle

Invasive Species


florida : feral hogs are an invasive species living in what state, apex predator : invasive species are usually the _______ of their environment, invasive : …

Gas Exchange Word Scramble Puzzle

Gas Exchange


trachea: this tube runs from the mouth, down the throat towards the lungs., ventilation: air gets into and out of the body by the physical process of breathing, …

Diffusion, Osmosis & Active Transport Word Scramble Puzzle

Diffusion, Osmosis & Active Transport


diffusion : process by which molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, osmosis : movement of water across a …

Endocrine System Word Scramble Puzzle

Endocrine System


pituitary gland: regulates growth, blood pressure and water balance., testes: release male hormones., thymus gland: develops immune system in childhood., …

Mixtures Word Scramble Puzzle



element : only made of one type of atom, compound : made of two or more different atoms chemically bonded together, mixture : two or more different atoms not …

A Level Biology Cells Word Scramble Puzzle

A Level Biology Cells


nucleus : where dna is stored, mitochondria : site of aerobic respiration , thylakoid : location of chlorophyll , grana : stacks of thylakoids, nucleoplasm : …

Newtons Laws Of Motion Word Scramble Puzzle

Newton's Laws Of Motion


newton's first law : this law is evident when you're riding in a car without a seatbelt and the car stops suddenly. (you continue to move forward.), newton : …

Sound Word Scramble Puzzle



pitch: is how high or low the sound is, amplifier: is a tool that makes sounds louder, sound: is a form of energy that travels as waves through matter, resting …

Newtons Laws Word Scramble Puzzle

Newton's Laws


newton: an measurement for force and the last name of a famous scientist, velocity: _________ is a speed and direction, acceleration: speeding up or slowing …

The Moon Phases Word Scramble Puzzle

The Moon Phases


waxing: getting bigger, solar: pertaining to the sun, newmoon: the phase of the moon that occurs when the moon is in the direction of the sun as seen from …

Mitosis Word Scramble Puzzle



daughter cell : new cell produced by cell division., mitosis : the process of cells dividing to produce two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the …