Home & Garden Crossword Puzzles

A collection of home and garden crossword puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made puzzles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 22-28 of 28 records

Kitchen Utensils Word Scramble Puzzle

Kitchen Utensils

Home & Garden

dishwasher : a machine to wash dishes automatically, apron : a piece of clothing that you wear over other clothes to keep them clean, sieve: used to remove …

Home Maintenance Word Scramble Puzzle

Home Maintenance

Home & Garden

maintenance: regular home ___________ checks should be done. , repairs : ______ must be done to anything that needs fixing. , mould : _____ is an organism that …

What you see in a House or an Apartment Word Scramble Puzzle

What you see in a House or an Apartment

Home & Garden

gutter: a device in the house to move the water from the roof. , nursing home: a place people go to when they are alone and need support for living., alley: …

Kitchen Equipment Word Scramble Puzzle

Kitchen Equipment

Home & Garden

slotted spoon : use this to take food out of water or oil, measuring spoons : use these to measure small amounts, grater : use this to shred cheese, spatula : …

Nature and Gardens Word Scramble Puzzle

Nature and Gardens

Home & Garden

butterfly : comes from a caterpillar, lawnmower : we use it to cut grass , aphid : a garden pest, hedgehog : it likes to eat slugs, vegetable patch : we grow …

Houses Word Scramble Puzzle


Home & Garden

garage: you can park your car here, semi-detached: two houses together, bungalow: a house with no upstairs, conservatory: a room made of glass, kitchen: you …

Kitchen Equiptment Word Scramble Puzzle

Kitchen Equiptment

Home & Garden

ladle: serve or transfer liquids, dry measuring cup: measures solid, jelly-like or powder ingredients, liquid measuring cup: measures liquids over 1/4 cup, …