Animals Word Search
Dog Breeds
dalmatian, pomeranian, bulldog, sheepdog, doberman, airdale, spitz, basenji, boxer, alsheshan, collie, dachshund, corgi, hound, poodle, pointer
Animal Body Parts
Find the words related to the body parts of different animals including insects, birds, pets, domestic and wild animals.
vertebrate, wings, starfish, bird, amphibian, humans, feathers, breathe, lay eggs, backbone, reptile, frog, lungs, snake, fur, gills, insect, mammal, …
Animal Digestion
absomasum, digestion, monogastric, storage, waste, cecum, stomach, esophagus, intestin, absorption, reticulum, food, mouth, rumen, omasum
Fossils and Extinct Animals
trilobite, dinosaurs, monster whale, auroch, dino turkey, guacca, woolly rhino, camelops, aqua turtle, mammoth, mosasaur, nautiloid, triceratops, …
Horse Breeds
appaloosa, mustang, jutland, friesian, gidran, boerperd, quarab, morgan, shire, lipizzan, noriker, holsteinder, arabian, clydesdale, kabarda, …
Sea Animals
crab, sea horse, stingray, starfish, squid, shark, turtle, octopus, lobster, shrimp, eel, whale, jellyfish, clam, fish, seal
Endangered Animals
Endangered animals are the ones that are very likely to become extinct in the near future. Find the related hidden words in this puzzle grid.
Garden Birds
heron, wren, goldfinch, buzzard, pigeon, egret, starling, dove, robin, jay, sparrow, owl, gull, magpie, crow, willow tit
Horse Parts
poll, heel, gaskin, brisket, muzzle, croup, haunch, tail, loins, barrel, dock, hock, flank, hoof, crest, back
Birds of New Zealand
fantail, saddleback, kokako, weka, wrybill, pipit, bellbird, morepork, tui, rifleman, kakapo, kiwi, pukeko, dabchick, kea, albatross
Rain Forest Creatures
margay, peccary, gecko, puma, hoatzin, lemur, army ant, okapi, tree frog, hummingbird, leopard, macaw, piranha, mandrill, red panda, fruit bat
Hibernating Animals
skunk, hamster, snail, mud turtle, butterfly, bear, toad, lizard, groundhog, badger, mouse, moth, bat, snake, hedgehog, marmot, ladybug, raccoon, …
Endangered and Extinct Animals
javan rhino, gorillas, sloth, turtle, american lion, amur leopard, snow leopard, red panda, okapi, blue whale, dodo bird, mammoth, tasmanian tiger, …