Science Word Search

A collection of science word search puzzles. Choose from the list to play online or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 1-24 of 108 records

Levels of Organization Word Scramble Puzzle

Levels of Organization


organs, kidneys, intestines, skin, nervous, organism, tissue, brain, heart, muscle, cell, population, lungs, liver, skeletal, multicellular

Force & Motion Word Scramble Puzzle

Force & Motion


gravity, force, friction, speed, motion, reaction, kinetic, action, newton, momentum, inertia, weight, acceleration, net force, mass, velocity

Natural Selection Word Scramble Puzzle

Natural Selection


organisms, growth, survival, artificial, theory, natural, charles darwin, adapted, reproduction, species, selection, population, inheritance, high …

Cell Cycle Word Scramble Puzzle

Cell Cycle


centromere, centriole, chromosome, eukaryotic, javelinas, metaphase, prophase, stem cell, interphase, telophase, cell cycle, disrupt, anaphase, …

Chemical Reactions Word Scramble Puzzle

Chemical Reactions


equation, reaction, energy, combustion, aqueous, solvent, bond, replacement, endothermic, catalyst, product, phase, exothermic, yield, atom, reactant

Physical Science Word Scramble Puzzle

Physical Science


volume, variable, density, matter, constant, control, science, mass, motion, experiment, hypothesis, model, theory, acceleration, gravity, standard

Electromagnets Word Scramble Puzzle



magnetic field, magnetize, magnetic, current, wire, coil, circular, core, steel, electromagnet, iron, solenoid

Light and Sound Word Scramble Puzzle

Light and Sound


medium, pulse, flux, sound, octave, consonance, refraction, frequency, pitch, lumen, ray, ultrasonic, luminous, doppler, waves, decibels

Lab Week Word Scramble Puzzle

Lab Week


microscope, centrifuge, fume hood, incubator, autoclave, potassium, chemistry, pipette, gloves, histology, serology, microbiology, blood bank, lab …

Fossils Word Scramble Puzzle



shell, fossils, wax, molds, dessication, skeleton, impressions, freezing, asphalt, coprolites, compactions, casts, drying, resin, amber, preservation

Parts of Plant Word Scramble Puzzle

Parts of Plant


auxins, epidermis, phloem, megaspore, tracheids, cotyledons, stomata, lignin, cortex, cuticle, meristem, xylem

Science Careers Word Scramble Puzzle

Science Careers


naturalist, geologist, paramedic, surgeon, scientist, physicist, astronaut, botanist, ecologist, doctor, engineer, pathologist, researcher, zoologist, …

Lab Equipment Word Scramble Puzzle

Lab Equipment


vacuum, bell jar, spatula, clamp, beaker, blowpipe, test tube, condenser, scale, balance, dropper, burette, aerator, evaporator, vial, gauge

Living and Non-living Word Scramble Puzzle

Living and Non-living


fish, fur, amphibian, feathers, nonliving, sort, mammal, stimuli, classify, scales, respond, backbone, reptile, bird, excrete, features, move, …

Traits and Reproduction Word Scramble Puzzle

Traits and Reproduction


feature, homozygous, gene, molecule, inherit, traits, protein, reproduction, heterozygous, variation, structure, mutation

Marine Biology Word Scramble Puzzle

Marine Biology


dolphin, sea turtle, seaweed, sea lion, shark, snake, coral, fish, sponge, snail, walrus, seal, star fish, algae, stingray, mollusk, ocean, whale, …

Microbiology Word Scramble Puzzle



Words search puzzle based on things related to microbiology.

Earth, Moon and Sun Word Scramble Puzzle

Earth, Moon and Sun


crescent, axis, quarter, eclipse, full moon, tidal bulge, new moon, waxing, revolve, high tide, equinox, rotate, low tide, waning, neap tide, spring

Natural Materials Word Scramble Puzzle

Natural Materials


bamboo, bark, clay, cotton, flint, gold, hemp, jute, leather, metal, sand, silver, soil, stone, wood, wool

Circulatory System Word Scramble Puzzle

Circulatory System


beat, liver, blood, heart, cells, cardiac, flow, pressure, pump, pulse, artery, muscle, veins, oxygen, lungs, plasma

Space and Matter Word Scramble Puzzle

Space and Matter


plasma, homogeneous, solid, mixture, gas, hardness, space, density, compound, mass, atom, shape, liquid, volume, molecule, element

Genetics Word Scramble Puzzle



genotype, homozygous, dna, hereditary, phenotype, hemizygous, alleles, codominance, zygosity, dihybrid, inherited, recessive, cross, genes, …

Science Word Scramble Puzzle



botany, biology, medicine, astronomy, forestry, physiology, seismology, chemistry, genetics, zoology, anatomy, ecology, geology, archeology, …

DNA Word Scramble Puzzle



hydrogen bond, base pair, nucleotide, thymine, adenine, nucleus, double helix, nucleic acid, chromatin, cytosine, guanine, dna, phosphate, chromosome