Educational Word Search
Parts of Speech
determiner, noun, pronoun, conjunction, interjection, verb, adverb, preposition, adjective
intelligence, engineering, circuit, sensors, recognition, machine, conductor, transformer, deep blue, artificial, computer, aquabot, robots, camera, …
Zodiac Signs
List of 12 zodiac signs or star signs that are related to the position and path of the sun moon and other planets at specific period of time and their affects on our lives.
Defensive Driving
braking, safety, distance, emotions, following, knowledge, aggressive, drivers, overtake, collision, speed, mirrors, vision, steering, lights, …
density, length, ruler, hundred, decade, fraction, kilogram, kelvin, gram, feet, depth, meter, century, metric, mass, second
conjunction, noun, pronoun, run on, grammar, adjective, sentences, participle, novels, verb, writing, adverb, proofread, paragraph, spelling, reading
Digital Literacy
save, email, cpu, phishing, edit, hardware, virus, database, internet, usb, software, monitor, firewall, online, charts, format, output, modem, …
In a Classroom
notebook, classmates, roster, pencil, calendar, desk, chalk, ruler, paper, book, organizer, teacher, pen, globe, eraser, computer
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Classroom Objects
sharpener, ruler, pen, rubber, desk, text book, notebook, board, scissors, chair, bag, pencil, glue, chalk, highlighter, marker, lights, computer, …
inspire, search, ideas, passion, models, electric, invent, knowledge, lights, flight, design, developing, skill, patent, notes, creative
School Subjects
art, music, maths, catering, media, french, english, geography, welsh, science, engineering, sports, business, drama, history
mitigate, collateral, motive, negligent, excuse, felony, duress, infraction, penology, justice, alibi, law
Circle Vocabulary
secant, chords, graph, concentric, inscribed, congruent, circles, interior, minor, angle, circle, radius, exterior, pi, major, arc
Math Terms
degree, angle, divisor, abacus, geometry, factor, finite, cosine, area, exponent, addend, base, graph, cone, cylinder, formula, axis, chord, algebra, …
Laboratory Equipment
Word search based on the common equipment found in the chemistry laboratory.
Types of Variable
quantitative, controlled, manipulative, measured, nominal, independent, dummy, explanatory, dependent, continuous, qualitative, responding, discrete, …
Irish Mythology
banshee, badb, carman, literature, myth, cycles, anu, lugh, ogma, tailtiu, fianna, macha, heroes, dagda, druids, brigid
Nursing School
assessments, skills, patients, delegation, treatments, promotion, health, clinical, nurses, specialty, education, pharmacology, diagnosis, teamwork, …
Aztec Words
kalli, yoal, yollotl, meztli, nian, cintlaolli, yeyi, mixtli, onkan, pozolli, chilpotkli, moxy, mantli, ozelotl, koyotl, tletl
Engineering Branches
aeronautical, robotics, mining, chemical, aerospace, automotive, computer, architectural, marine, biomedical, agricultural, mechanical, civil, …
Types of Engineers
nuclear, lighting, food, biomedical, highway, petroleum, structural, kinetic, aerospace, technology, chemical, geological, insulation, zoologists, …
Whole Numbers
whole number, digit, expanded, value, less than, zero, hundreds, greater, place, equal to, tens, standard, millions, thousands, ones, compare
Computer Terminology
modem, monitor, megabyte, printer, mouse, megabit, hard drive, router, desktop, keyboard, ram, cd rom, gigabyte, html, cpu, bandwidth, url, usb, lan, …