Word Scramble Puzzles
Solve or unscramble these word scrambles where meaningful words are scrambled in a random fashion. Perfect for parents and teachers that are looking to keep their kids busy while they work on their vocabulary skills.
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Healthy Aging
communicate, active, walking, diet, spiritual, laugh, exercise, wellness, goals, mental, emotional, swimming, social, physical, biking, coping, …
Letter Writing
address, spelling, body, grammar, introduction, greeting, conclusion, signature, capitals, stamp, punctuation, postal code
Plate Tectonics
boundary, continental, convergent, divergent, drift, magnetic, magnetometer, pangaea, plate, pull, push, reversal, ridge, rift, seafloor, slab, …
crab, jellyfish, seahorse, whale, coral, shark, dolphin, clownfish, angelfish, manatee, octopus, lobster, squid, narwhal, swordfish, dory, barracuda, …
coffee, milk shake, kool aid, flavored water, fanta, water, hot chocolate, powerade, root beer, milk, sprite, juice, smoothie, sparkling water, coke, …
Musical Things
boom whackers, sixteenth note, sight reading, repeat sign, chords, piano, staff, half note, treble clef, eighth note, band, time signature, ostinato, …
Parts of Speech
antonyms, interjection, adverb, comma, noun, synonyms, pronoun, conjunction, compound words, verb, linking verb, helping verb, grammar, prepositions, …
Personality Adjectives
cheerful, untidy, bossy, big headed, hard working, chatty, outgoing, helpful, rude, moody, quiet
Urgent Symptoms
dizziness, covid, vomiting blood, child with rash, wheezing, lightning strike, seizure, head injury, chest pain, burns, leg pain, fall, abdominal …
Safety and Sanitation
cross-contamination, personal hygiene, physical hazards, foodborne illness, bacteria, parasites, allergens, ready to eat foods, biological, clean, …
Arts & Crafts
sculpting, weaving, sketching, drawing, glassblowing, scrap booking, origami, pottery, woodworking, macrame, calligraphy, sewing, painting, …
National Cookie Day
oatmeal raisin, oreos, chips ahoy, gingerbread, molasses, red velvet, cookie pizza, snicker doodle, black and white, sugar, peanut butter, white chip …
charcoal, bbq grill, picnic, hammocks, cake, watermelon, baked beans, tea, potato salad, macaroni salad, hot dogs, hamburger, polish sausages, smores, …
passport, backpack, tour, visa, souvenir, hotel, cruise, tourist, guidebook, itinerary, suitcase, flight, airport, adventure, resort, hostel
jeans, underwear, coat, blouse, jacket, boxers, socks, boots, sweater, cardigan, skirt, shirt, pajamas, knickers, shoes, medium, tights, trousers, …
characters, words, pictures, books, library, chapters, plot, fun, quiet, page numbers, authors, titles
Phonetic Alphabet
charlie, kilo, romeo, uniform, zulu, victor, echo, hotel, bravo, oscar, november, lima, sierra, alpha, tango, yankee, delta, whiskey, golf, india
Managing Emotions
communicate, body language, passive, sad, respect, assertive, mental health, emotions, aggressive, proud, self esteem, listening, speaking skills, …
Literary Device
repetition, metaphor, idiom, allusion, hyperbole, personification, oxymoron, pun, rhyme, simile, stanza, alliteration, symbolism, imagery, …