Computers & IT Word Scramble
Analogue & Digital Media
tape, cd, zip disc, cd player, analogue, radio, film, digital, record, dish tv, hard drive, cartridge, mini disc, vinyl, walkman, cassette, sd card, …
Computer Parts
dvd, floppy disk, speaker, cloud, hardware, drive, cpu, laptop, software, mouse, monitor, printer, mouse pad, cd, computer, flash drive, tablet, …
Cyber Security Awareness Month
spyware, phishing, virus, passphrase, password manager, malware, skimmers, internet safety, hacker, data breach, open wifi, identity theft, …
Email Words
internet, password, attach, chat, mailbox, address book, contacts, spam, email address, phishing, write, webmail, draft, online, send
Computers & Information Technology
sql, javascript, php, phishing, cyber crime, trojan, megabyte, java, virus, malware, python, database, encryption, worm, data, virtualization, …
Cyber Security
phishing, scam, antivirus, cache, cookies, malware, fraud, encryption, theft, online, service, spyware, provider, identity, bookmarks, firewalls, …
Social Networks
quora, whatsapp, wechat, flickr, reddit, nextdoor, tumblr, tiktok, medium, periscope, twitter, facebook, meetup, pinterest, telegram, linkedin, …
download files, printer, microphone, keyboard, hard drive, usb port, vr headset, pen drive, share files, tablet, monitor, upload files, cd player, …
animations, slide master, footer, header, microsoft, layout, table, graphs, color scheme, hierarchy graphs, slideshow, toolbar, slide, smart art, …
scanner, internet, screen, speakers, network, power point, designer, windows, megabyte, spam email, application, disc drive, motherboard, laptop, …
add new worksheets, formatting, microsoft excel, sum a column of numbers, move a worksheet, cell, range, copying a worksheet, modify column widths, …
Python Programming Language
print, clear, min, input, dictionary, modulus, extend, abs, pop, continue, index, append, upper, string, join, and, break
Technology and Apps
kahoot, application, online, creativity, communication, seesaw, google, cloud library, virtual, keyboard, brainstorming, device, satellite, digital, …
landline, symbol, conversation, letter, emoji, instagram, email, video chat, emoticons, social media, card, birthday card, text message, postcard, …
Computers & IT
cpu, operating system, css, internet, browser, ip address, graphics card, keyboard, firewall, hardware, network, motherboard, server, peripheral, hard …
circuits, automatic, robot, technology, electric, assembly, future, mechanic, gears, digital, microchip, battery
Social Media Networks
okru, mixi, kik, clubhouse, viber, badoo, mylife, friendster, line, vkontakte, mewe, bebo, discord, tagged, ello, xanga, myspace, skype, twitch, …
software, binary, hardware, operating, system, memory, cpu , port, wan, output, lan, input