Health & Fitness Word Scramble
calories, fats, sodium, minerals, protein, calcium, fruit, ingredients, serving, cereal, nutrition, vitamins, unsaturated, fiber, healthy, …
Workplace Health and Safety
falls, hot surface, electric shock, legislation, burns, emergency, security, duty of care, ppe kits, safety equipment, codes of practice, evacuation …
reading, physical fitness, action plan, hygiene, self help, resilience, mindfulness, sleep, medication, responsibility, accountability, diet, …
priorities, prayer, cautious, recovery, exercise, humble, patience, stability, support, positive, lifestyle, therapy, commitment, willingness, …
Drinking Water
hydration, muscles, thirst, heart, blood, kidneys, brain, bottled water, bones, toxins, lungs, liver, daily, thyroid, flush out, digest, eight, …
Common Illnesses
mumps, diabetes, measles, ear infection, strep throat, alzheimer's disease, arthritis, pneumonia, stroke, bronchitis, heart disease, asthma, allergy, …
cardio, flexibility, heart, blood, valves, oxygen, hypertension, heart disease, veins, muscular strength, heart rate, strength training, body …
Managing Emotions
communicate, body language, passive, sad, respect, assertive, mental health, emotions, aggressive, proud, self esteem, listening, speaking skills, …
Stress Management
mindset, calm, pain, depression, stress, imagination, emotion, exercise, performance, reading, relax, feelings, therapy, control, anger, frustration, …
Mental Health
body language, communicate, assertive, hierarchy of needs, mental health, aggressive, listening, passive, depression, self esteem, speaking skills, …
Food Safety
food safety, cleaning, salmonella, sanitizing, hand washing, verification, listeria, foreign material, biological hazard, gloves, contamination, …
Relapse Prevention
support, social pressure, hope, coping skills, thoughts, meetings, attitude, treatment, expectations, relapse, love, sobriety, mood change, addiction, …
diagnosis, treatment plan, extraoral, mobility, palpation, probing, restoration, periodontal, occlusion, mandibular, ultrasonic, quadrant, gingiva, …
unmanageable, moral inventory, mindfulness, surrender, spiritual awakening, freedom, personal inventory, coping skills, doctors opinion, how it works, …
Health and Wellness
biking, no smoking, exercise, therapy, social, physical, reliable, emotional, volunteer, activities, coping, stress, financial, mental, goals, …
Healthy Eating
dinner, recipes, eggs, vegetables, breakfast, health, seeds, fruit, yogurt, ingredients, milk, cheese, lunch, nuts, hygiene, nutrition, food, cooking
Personal Hygiene
shampoo, wash hair, toothpaste, change clothes, tooth brush, brush teeth, soap, washing clothes, clean clothes, mirror, floss, brush hair, mouth wash, …
Safety and Emergency Response
ambulance, hazard, black ice, emergency, ppe, rescue, dispatcher, poisonous, lock, caution, warning, firefighter, cpr, escape, helmet, first aid, seat …
five senses, touch, traumatic memories, savor scent, recall, feeling, dissociation, panic attacks, emotion, depression, taste, surrounding, …
vial, ante room, solution, pharmacists, buffer area, medication safety, hospital, certification, unit dose, national drug code, ampule, syringe, …
Healing Center
harm reduction, transport, intensive out patient, smoking cessation , medication assisted, medication management, youth programs, youth day treatment, …