Health & Fitness Word Scramble

A collection of health and fitness word scramble puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made scrambles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 106-110 of 110 records

Hygeine Word Scramble Puzzle


Health & Fitness

hot water, wash clothes, brush teeth, boil water, change socks daily, washing, cough in sleeve, antibiotics, showering, no sharing drinks, saliva, …

Viruses Word Scramble Puzzle


Health & Fitness

influenza, hiv, ebola, measles, polio, herpes, zika, rabies, hepatitis, dengue, norovirus, rotavirus, mumps, sarscov, adenovirus, varicellazoster, …

Farmworker Awareness Week Word Scramble Puzzle

Farmworker Awareness Week

Health & Fitness

blood pressure, obesity, elevated, physical, exercise, stress, heart disease, heart, symptoms, blood, labor, risk, agriculture, smoking, weight, …

Heat Related Illnesses Word Scramble Puzzle

Heat Related Illnesses

Health & Fitness

heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, sweating, sports drink, dehydration, temperature, caffeine, diabetes, ice bath, electrolytes

Communicable and Food Borne Diseases Word Scramble Puzzle

Communicable and Food Borne Diseases

Health & Fitness

colds, vaccine, flue, symptoms, measles, causes, headache, chickenpox, diphtheria, prevention, inflammation, mumps, salmonella, ecoli, tuberculosis, …