Books & Literature Word Scramble

A collection of books word scramble puzzles. Choose from the list for pre-made scrambles or add your own words to customize and download.

Showing 22-27 of 27 records

Figures of Speech Word Scramble Puzzle

Figures of Speech

Books & Literature

allusion, stanza, euphemism, simile, personification, onomatopoeia, alliteration, rhythm, contrast, sonnet, metaphor, verse, progression, assonance, …

Rangers Apprentice Word Scramble Puzzle

Ranger's Apprentice

Books & Literature

bravery, arald, araluen, kindness, gorlan, bow, will, arrow, ranger, archer, apprentice, castle, redmont, gilan, friendship, halt, horace

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Word Scramble Puzzle

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Books & Literature

whitewash, cats, cave, pirates, alone, elixirs, trouble, kissing, murder, mississippi, friends, island, comrade, reckon, killing, adventure, treasure, …

The Scarlet Letter Word Scramble Puzzle

The Scarlet Letter

Books & Literature

church, forest, roger chillingworth, hester prynne, meteor, prison, husband, bristol, confess, commander, hawthorne, needlework, boston, bellingham, …

Book Genre Word Scramble Puzzle

Book Genre

Books & Literature

fiction, nonfiction, romance, mystery, thriller, humor, horror, western, fantasy, biography, short story, graphic novel, self help, dystopian, science …

The Fourteenth Goldfish Word Scramble Puzzle

The Fourteenth Goldfish

Books & Literature

scientist, science, ellie, melissa, old, fan club, slippers, melvin, bay area, lab, jellyfish, grandpa, young, school, fish