History Word Scramble
English Civil War
beheading, monarchy, power, england, ammunition, religion, protestant, hymns, causes, execution, nobility , royalists, charles, catholic, money, …
Guy Fawkes
failed, execution, king james i, government, westminster, gunpowder, bonfire, conspiracy, treason, parliament, fifth, guy fawkes, november, …
Roman Witches and Curses
curses, binding spells, animals, roots, trennungszauber, potions, canidia, twelve tables, witch, saga, defixiones, herbs, amulets, medea, katadesmoi
The Renaissance
humanism, renaissance, medici family, leonardo da vinci, michelangelo, classical, patronage, secularism, theocracy, perspective, civic humanism, …
Henry V and the Conquest of France
france, thomas walshing, agincourt, thomas beaufort, normandy, river touques, armagnac group, burgundian group, bernard, dauphin charles, john the …
Words of the War Era
pearl harbor, nazism, allies, blitz, militarism, panzer, liberty, scrap drives, radio, fascism, royal air force, isolationist, victory, war bonds, …
The Roman Republic
apennines, alps, tiber river, romulus, plebeians, patricians, tripartite, magistrates, tribunes, civic duty, forum, legion, carthage, hannibal, …