Nurturing Brain and Developmental Theories Crossword Puzzle

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Nurturing Brain and Developmental Theories Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: schema : a knowledge structure that allows organisms to interpret and understand the world around them, competence : virtue developed in the stage of industry vs inferiority, sensorimotor : a stage where a child learns object permanence, animistic : a thinking tendency to attribute lifelike characteristics to inanimate objects, synapse : a tiny gap across which a nerve cell, can send an impulse to another neuron, hope : basic virtue developed in the trust v/s mistrust stage, scaffolding : clues given to a child in order to solve problems, assimilation : adding up new information to existing ideas, cells : tiny building blocks in the brain, neurons : cells that transmit information between your brain and other parts of the central nervous system, zpd : area/stage gives the necessary assistance to the child to achieve challenging tasks, autonomy : a stage where children gain little independence and an increased perception of control over physical skills, experiences : one of the factors influencing brain development in the early years, equilibration : a mechanism used to strike a balance between assimilation and accommodation, egocentric : an inability to see things from another person's perspective or self-centered thinking, accommodation : the modification of cognitive schemas to connect new information