Cyber Safety - Creative Encounters Crossword Puzzle

Cyber Safety - Creative Encounters crossword puzzle printable. Download, print and start playing. You can add your own words to customize or start creating from scratch.

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Cyber Safety - Creative Encounters Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: symbols : a password should include numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters and ?, secure : what the 's' stands for in https, digital footprint : a trail of data you create whilst using the internet, attachments : don't open ....... in emails from people you do not know, phishing : type of internet fraud scam where the scammer tries to gather sensitive information, spam : electronic junk mail, email : mail sent through a computer, anti : what software can we use to protect our computer ......virus?, cyber bullying : the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature, isp : the short term for internet service provider, age : never tell someone online this, full name : never tell someone online your _ , see : part of the reason why people lie online is because you cannot _ them, link : when you click on one of these, it takes you to another web page, permission : ask your parents for this before using the internet