Vocabulary #4 Crossword Puzzle

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Vocabulary #4 Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: hypocrisy: a behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel, guru: a teacher with spiritual knowledge or expertise, immune: to have a level of resistance or durability against disease or injury, bamboozle: to trick or deceive someone, aspire: to pursue something ambitiously , formidable: to be strong or powerful, hieroglyphic: a language written in or belonging to a system of writing mainly in pictorial characters, nebula: a collection of interstellar clouds, dust, gas, and stars. , camouflage: to disguise an object or being with the intention of . , heritage: property that is passed down from a predecessor or ancestor, flourish: to succeed, omnivore: an organism that eats both animal and vegetable substances, deduction: a conclusion reached by logically examining something, chronology: the time-based order that events occur in, fallacy: a false or mistaken idea