Space Exploration Studies Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: binary star : a system of two stars that revolve around a common centre of gravity, dwarf star : a small star with low luminosity, gemini : space program used to train astronauts for missions to the moon, surveyor : the first american spacecraft to land on the moon, the corona : the outer atmosphere of a star, apollo : program responsible for landing first humans on the lunar surface, armstrong : neil _ and buzz aldrin became the first men on the moon, mission : december, 11 1972 was the last to space, skylab : program responsible for paving the way for the international space station, pioneer : u.s. probe that took images of saturn around september 1979, people : 355 were sent to space during the space shuttle era, satellites : one of the purposes of space shuttles was to repair, global : the international space station (iss) is a model for cooperation and scientific advancements, november : humans have housed the iss since 2, 2000, tito : the first american to tour space was dennis _ , spacex : a commercial company contracted with nasa to continue research