Sheep and Sheep Breeds Crossword Puzzle

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Sheep and Sheep Breeds Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: ewe : what is an adult female sheep called?, four : how many stomachs does a sheep have?, shearing : wool is usually harvested from the sheep using what method?, philtrum : what is the groove in a sheep's upper lip called?, wether : what is a male castrated sheep called?, corriedale : what breed of sheep do we have at fccc?, border leicester : another dual purpose breed, suffolk : a meat sheep with black heads that don't shed, dorper : a meat sheep with black heads that do shed, merino : this breed grows the most valuable fleeces, cloven : what type of hooves do sheep have?, bendigo : where is our show this weekend?, lincoln : one of the breeds that made the corriedale, valais : the newest breed to australia, dorset : grows impressive horns, polwarth : the same 2 breeds made this breed and the corriedale, yearly : how often sheep need to be shorn, drenching : we do this to kill intestinal worms, colostrum : all lambs need this to survive their first 6 weeks, gudair : the ojd vaccine