River and Land Geography Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: environment : a person's surroundings, including the weather and geography, sediment : material like dirt that is left behind, fertile : able to grow crops and other plants, longitude : east or west distances measured on a map, hydroelectric : creating electricity through the use of water, delta : the sediment that forms at the mouth of a river, tributary : a river that flows into another river or body of water, lava : hot, volcanic rock that reaches the earth's surface, bayou : a slow-moving river that flows through a marsh or low-lying area, latitude : the distance north and south of the equator, contiguous : sharing a border; touching, dam : a structure which stops the flow of water, peninsula : land which is almost completely surrounded by water, reservoir : a place where water is collected or stored, magma : the material under the earth's surface which forms rock